
Kaizen 28: The Surse Pierpoint interview

Entrepreneurial Logistics in Panama The latest issue of Kaizen [pdf] features my interview with Surse Pierpoint. We met in Panama City to discuss Mr. Pierpoint’s experience working in the Free Trade Zone, the Panama Canal’s history and major expansion project, and worldwide trends in transportation and logistics. My favorite image from this issue is below, […]

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Comparing Buenos Aires and Chicago — politics and economics

In a recent Kaizen interview, Argentine entrepreneur Enrique Duhau discussed some of the challenges of doing business in a country with a politicized economy. I was reminded of Campante and Glaeser’s comparative study of Buenos Aires and Chicago, two cities that were very similar in the nineteenth century. They were similar in population size, with

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Robert Lawson on the Economic Freedom of the World Index

Robert Lawson (Southern Methodist University), along with James Gwartney (Florida State University) and Joshua Hall (West Virginia University), is editor of the celebrated Economic Freedom of the World Index. The Index is one of the major achievements in social science research this generation, made possible by much better data and awesome computing power. Professor Lawson

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13 arguments for liberal capitalism in 13 minutes

The thirteen arguments are: 1. Liberal capitalism increases freedom. 2. People work harder in liberal capitalist systems. 3. People work smarter under liberal capitalism. 4. Liberalism increases individuality and creativity. 5. Liberal capitalism increases the average standard of living. 6. The poor are better off under liberal capitalism. 7. Liberal capitalism generates more philanthropy. 8.

13 arguments for liberal capitalism in 13 minutes Read More »

Conclusion: Nazi and Anti-Nazi Philosophies [N&N audiobook]

Part 8 of the audiobook version of my Nietzsche and the Nazis: A Personal View. Part 8. Nazi and Anti-Nazi Philosophies [mp3] [YouTube] [7  minutes] 40. Hindsight and future resolve [mp3] [YouTube] 41. Principled anti-Nazism [mp3] [YouTube] Previous: Part 1. Introduction: Philosophy and History [mp3] [YouTube] Part 2. Explaining Nazism Philosophically [mp3] [YouTube] Part 3.

Conclusion: Nazi and Anti-Nazi Philosophies [N&N audiobook] Read More »

Video interview with Professor Nicholas Capaldi

Professor Capaldi lectured recently at Rockford University on the topic of “The Lockean Liberty Narrative versus the Rousseau Equality Narrative, and How These Narratives Explain Everything.” Afterward we discussed his themes — the conflict between the Lockean and Rousseauian narratives, enterprise and civil societies, the nature of the corporation, corporate philanthropy, cronyism, and more. Professor

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