
W. K. Clifford on philosophical writing style

Reprising this classic from the Department of Collegial Zingers: here is W. K. Clifford on an intellectual acquaintance: “He is writing a book on metaphysics, and is really cut out for it; the clearness with which he thinks he understands things and his total inability to express what little he knows will make his fortune

W. K. Clifford on philosophical writing style Read More »

Galileo’s modern compromise: Letting science work *with* religion

In his open letter to the Grand Duchess Christina (1615), Galileo offered a defense of science against the prevailing heavy hand of religious orthodoxy: “But I do not feel obliged to believe that that same God who has endowed us with senses, reason, and intellect has intended to forgo their use and by some other

Galileo’s modern compromise: Letting science work *with* religion Read More »

Professor Walsh gives an “A” to a Jain monk

Refreshing this story from Francis Kane, professor of philosophy and former colleague of Professor George Walsh at Salisbury State University, in a eulogy delivered November 21, 2001. The phone rang one Friday afternoon (I’ll never forget): “Fran, I’m going to be fired!” “George, you’re not going to be fired.” “Yes, I am! Something horrible has

Professor Walsh gives an “A” to a Jain monk Read More »

Cómo domesticar al terrorismo islámico: lecciones del pasado extremista cristiano

Cómo domesticar al terrorismo islámico: lecciones del pasado extremista cristiano Por Stephen R. C. Hicks, Ph.D. Derrotar a un enemigo, como al politizado Islam, implica una batalla en varios frentes: policial, militar, diplomático, cultural y filosófico. Traducido al Español por María Marty. Para encontrar este y más artículos en español: Original article in English.

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Los cuatro errores del papa Francisco sobre el liberalismo

Los cuatro errores del papa Francisco sobre el liberalismo El papa Francisco nos ha dado varios indicios de su posición acerca del liberalismo, pero su negatividad es cada vez más evidente. En su mensaje a la Sesión Plenaria de la Pontificia Academia de Ciencias Sociales, las críticas fueron directas y, a veces, crudas. Si bien el Pontífice tuvo algunos

Los cuatro errores del papa Francisco sobre el liberalismo Read More »