
Is religion a feeling of dependence?

My livestream The Religion Course — concludes this Wednesday at thinkspot. What is religion? Is it true? Is it good? If neither necessarily, is it useful? Does the meaning of life depend upon religion? For example, here are some candidates from major intellectuals: “The essence of religion consists in the feeling of absolute dependence.” (Theologian

Is religion a feeling of dependence? Read More »

Third and final lecture in my “What Is Religion?” mini-course at thinkspot

My mini-course on religion — now running at thinkspot — wraps up on Wednesday evening at 7:30 Central Time. I will cover the major and varied moral and social dimensions of religions and conclude with my definition of religion. Our governing question for this three-lecture course is: What Is Religion? We set aside the questions

Third and final lecture in my “What Is Religion?” mini-course at thinkspot Read More »

The Religion Course: my livestream lecture series at thinkspot

Coming soon: The Religion Course:  What is religion? Is it true? Is it good? If neither necessarily, is it useful? Does the meaning of life depend upon religion? A Livestream Lecture Series by Dr. Stephen Hicks. The first unit of the course will be a three-lecture series during February 2020 on defining the complex phenomenon that is religion.

The Religion Course: my livestream lecture series at thinkspot Read More »

Christian Socialism — source for quotation

The quotation posted yesterday: “Nothing is easier than to give Christian asceticism a Socialist tinge. Has not Christianity declaimed against private property, against marriage, against the state? Has it not preached in the place of these, charity and poverty, celibacy and mortification of the flesh, monastic life and Mother Church? Christian Socialism is but the

Christian Socialism — source for quotation Read More »