
“Is Religion Worth Arguing About?” [CHURCH and STATE]

At Britain’s CHURCH and STATE site, my article “Is Religion Worth Arguing About?” has been republished. Thanks to Declan and Lola Heavey for selecting it. The article is followed by a series of video clips with me on postmodernism and real education. [Related: “How to Tame Religious Terrorists.” All of my articles at CHURCH and

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Why Spinoza was excommunicated

When he was only 23, Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677) was excommunicated from the Jewish community in Amsterdam. His precocious intellect has already formed and argued themes that were to be developed into his mature works, Theological-Political Treatise (published anonymously in 1670) and Ethics (1677). The excommunication document said, in part: “no one should communicate with him,

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This week in religion — three things to read

“The Pope’s Four Big Mistakes About Libertarianism.” Co-written by María Marty and Stephen Hicks for PanAm Post. Also in Spanish: “Los Cuatro Errores del Papa Francisco Sobre el Liberalismo.” “What Good is Religious Freedom?” Tara Smith in Arkansas Law Review. “Which Religion is the World’s Best?” My thoughts on the best religion ever, at Savvy

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The Pope’s Four Big Mistakes About Libertarianism — article published

My article, co-written with María Marty, was published in PanAm Post: The opening: “Pope Francis has given us several glimpses of his position on liberalism. His are criticisms are direct and sometimes crude. And while the Pontiff got some points sort-of right, his message revealed mostly a lack of knowledge—or an intentional denial—of the principled

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What Good is Religious Freedom? Tara Smith article in Arkansas Law Review

Tara Smith has a very good article reinvigorating and extending the philosophical arguments for religious freedom: “What Good is Religious Freedom? Locke, Rand, and the Non-Religious Case for Respecting It” (Arkansas Law Review 69:4). Along the way she discusses the arguments and counter-arguments of John Locke, Brian Leiter, Jeremy Waldron, Ayn Rand, and others. Direct

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