The Good Life

Why Humans are Born Fit for Freedom (Part I) [new The Good Life column]

The opening of my latest column at EveryJoe: ““People are scum.” “Mankind is a moral wasteland.” “I’m ashamed to be human.” “Whenever cynics express themselves, I’m tempted to retort that philosophy is autobiography and they should put their claims in the first-person: “I am scum.” “I am a moral wasteland.” “I’m ashamed to be me.” “A colleague once took me up […]

Why Humans are Born Fit for Freedom (Part I) [new The Good Life column] Read More »

“Should I Marry You?” Answers From the Philosophers [new The Good Life column]

The opening of my latest column at EveryJoe: “Romance is in the air, and even the lovers of wisdom are not immune from its allure. “So here is a round-up of philosophers talking to their sweethearts – collected from conversations overheard at smoky cafés, college libraries, mountain paths, and seminar rooms the world over. The Aristotelian: “I

“Should I Marry You?” Answers From the Philosophers [new The Good Life column] Read More »

A política esquizofrênica — sexo, saúde, religião, dinheiro e outras coisas importantes

Esquizofrênico, adjetivo: de, relacionado a, ou caracterizado pela coexistência de elementos incompatíveis ou antagônicos. Vamos falar sobre uma razão pela qual a política nos torna um pouco loucos — sua mistura incoerente de leis e regulamentações. (Aviso: metáfora exagerada à frente) Não somente a mão esquerda com frequência não sabe o que a direita está fazendo:

A política esquizofrênica — sexo, saúde, religião, dinheiro e outras coisas importantes Read More »

Are You Smart Enough to Live in a Free Society? [new The Good Life column]

The opening of my latest column at EveryJoe: “Honestly now: Do you have what it takes? We all like to think we’re smarter than average, but the math is cruel. Half of us are below median intelligence, and some of us are considerably lower. So why should we think that freedom is a good policy for everyone?

Are You Smart Enough to Live in a Free Society? [new The Good Life column] Read More »

O dinheiro compra as eleições? Quando os bilionários cortejam os eleitores

Outra eleição se aproxima e a questão na mente de todos é a seguinte: os grandes doadores terão o retorno esperado? O cinismo sobre o financiamento de campanhas é uma resposta saudável a nossa longa história de capitalismo de compadrio. Quando os US$ 700 bilhões do pacote de resgate foram distribuídos durante a crise de

O dinheiro compra as eleições? Quando os bilionários cortejam os eleitores Read More »

Conservadores contra o capitalismo de livre mercado

Depois de bater em alguns ícones “da esquerda” (aqui, aqui, e aqui, por exemplo), é hora de castigar alguns “da direita”. O vocabulário político norte-americano tende a dividir as pessoas entre liberais¹ (na esquerda) e conservadores (na direita). Todas essas definições são generalizantes, e a grande questão é como classificar libertários, democratas, socialistas, teocratas e

Conservadores contra o capitalismo de livre mercado Read More »

Who Is Really Serious About Monopolies? [new The Good Life column]

The opening of my latest column at EveryJoe: “Raise the topic of monopolies, and the ensuing discussion will quickly highlight ideological blind-spots. “A colleague with whom I’ve taught courses in business and capitalism sent to me, enthusiastically, this article by Paul Krugman, a Nobel-Prize-winning economist. Krugman attacks Amazon and calls for it to be cut down a

Who Is Really Serious About Monopolies? [new The Good Life column] Read More »

The Most Important Artist of the Century [new The Good Life column]

The opening of my latest column at EveryJoe: “A survey asked our generation’s leading artists and critics to identify the most influential artist of the twentieth century. Who won? If you guessed Pablo Picasso — nice try, but he came in second. “Before identifying the survey’s winner, let’s ask why it matters who topped the

The Most Important Artist of the Century [new The Good Life column] Read More »