Search Results for: Heidegger

A liberdade de expressão está morta nas universidades? [Portuguese translation]

Tempos difíceis para a liberdade de expressão. Há um século, a Alemanha era uma nação autoritária. O Kaiser Guilherme II estava presidindo as forças da nação na 1º Guerra Mundial, enquanto o jovem Adolf Hitler estava trabalhando para ser ele o comandante das forças da nação na 2ª Guerra Mundial. Ao mesmo tempo, a Grã-Bretanha […]

A liberdade de expressão está morta nas universidades? [Portuguese translation] Read More »

Republicar “Mein Kampf” é a decisão correta? [Portuguese translation]

As autoridades alemãs permitirão a reimpressão da obra Mein Kampf (tradução oficial, Minha Luta) de Adolf Hitler, após décadas de censura. Pessoas decentes podem argumentar que o livro é muito perigoso para ser publicado. Mas o fato é que Mein Kampf é muito perigoso para não ser publicado. O grande medo é que as ideias de Hitler não estejam mortas e que seu livro

Republicar “Mein Kampf” é a decisão correta? [Portuguese translation] Read More »

How Can We Make Entrepreneurs? *Steve Jobs and Philosophy*

Here is the PDF of my chapter “How Can We Make Entrepreneurs?”, which was published in Shawn Klein’s edited volume Steve Jobs and Philosophy (Open Court, 2015), pp. 53-66. Click on the image at left to see a larger view of the cover. My chapter begins by noting Steve Jobs’s troubles within the formal school

How Can We Make Entrepreneurs? *Steve Jobs and Philosophy* Read More »

Tenth anniversary printing of Explaining Postmodernism

I am happy to announce that a Tenth Anniversary Printing of Explaining Postmodernism: Skepticism and Socialism from Rousseau to Foucault is now available. Ten years lead me to reflect on the book’s history. I wrote it while on sabbatical for the 1999-2000 academic year. Initially I met with difficulties in getting it published. I received

Tenth anniversary printing of Explaining Postmodernism Read More »

Os filósofos são ignorantes no que tange à política?

Esclarecimento inicial: eu sou um filósofo e essa nova coluna no site The Good Life tratará de tópicos como a natureza humana, o conhecimento, o sentido da vida e, é claro, a política. Permitam-me começar citando algumas das opiniões de meus colegas sobre a política. O jogo favorito dos filósofos é discutir qual foi o

Os filósofos são ignorantes no que tange à política? Read More »

Zientkowski’s foreword to *Nietzsche and the Nazis*

Dr. Przemysław Zientkowski’s foreword to the Polish edition of my Nietzsche and the Nazis, translated into English. A PDF version is here, and the HTML version follows. Foreword to the Polish edition of Stephen Hicks’s Nietzsche and the Nazis By Przemysław Zientkowski, Ph.D. History teaches us that in politics—in order to reinforce the message, achieve

Zientkowski’s foreword to *Nietzsche and the Nazis* Read More »

The Twentieth-Century Collapse of Reason [EP audiobook]

This is the third chapter of the audiobook version of Explaining Postmodernism: Skepticism and Socialism from Rousseau to Foucault. Chapter Three: The Twentieth-Century Collapse of Reason [mp3] [YouTube] [50 minutes] Heidegger’s synthesis of the Continental tradition [mp3] [YouTube] Setting aside reason and logic [mp3] [YouTube] Emotions as revelatory [mp3] [YouTube] Heidegger and postmodernism [mp3] [YouTube]

The Twentieth-Century Collapse of Reason [EP audiobook] Read More »

Texts in Philosophy

Alphabetical by Author or Topic Thomas Aquinas, “Whether it is lawful to kill sinners?” and “Whether heretics ought to be tolerated?” From Summa Theologica (1265-1274). “Arachne and Athena.” Hannah Arendt, “The Crisis in Education” (1954). Aristotle, Books 1-4 of Nicomachean Ethics (c. 335 BCE). Poetics (after 335 BCE). Excerpts from Book 7 of Politics (350 BCE). Augustine,

Texts in Philosophy Read More »

Cyberseminar on postmodernism — update

Prompted by Eduardo Marty’s link to this discussion of postmodernism and libertarianism, here are updated links to my 1999 cyberseminar on The Continental Origins of Postmodernism, conducted while I was on sabbatical and Scholar-in-Residence at the Atlas Society. Abstract for the course: For this 1999 online seminar “The Continental Origins of Postmodernism,” TAS Director of

Cyberseminar on postmodernism — update Read More »

Soviets and Nazis — which were worse?

The Nazis were evil, killing millions of human beings, and they have universally and properly properly condemned for their horrors. The Soviets were also evil, killing more millions than the Nazis did, yet they have not been universally condemned. The Soviets have been attacked by libertarians, conservatives, and moderates as a great lesson in evil

Soviets and Nazis — which were worse? Read More »