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I think of him as the anti-Homer poet. While Homer’s subjects are gods and heroes, Archilochus writes of drunkenness, running away to live and perhaps fight another day, the common man with his feet planted firmly on the ground — and, occasionally of sweet love. Not much is known about him other than that he […]

Archilochus Read More »

Kostyło’s review of *Nietzsche and the Nazis*

Professor Piotr Kostyło of University of Casimir the Great reviewed the Polish edition of Nietzsche and the Nazis. Here’s an English translation of Kostyło’s review: “Do We Know What We Advocate? Stephen Hicks’s Defence of Individualism” [pdf]. The original Polish: “Czy wiemy, za czym cie opowiedamy? Stephena Hickss obrana indywidualizmu”. The review was published in

Kostyło’s review of *Nietzsche and the Nazis* Read More »

The great Renaissance medical bloodletting controversy

Why accurate translation and skilled editing are important: Bloodletting was a common practice in medieval medicine and did not die out until the nineteenth century. The practice was encouraged by the belief that the excellent Greek physicians Hippocrates and Galen practiced it. Most phelobotomists followed the Persian genius Avicenna‘s editions of the Greek texts, which

The great Renaissance medical bloodletting controversy Read More »

Duchamp’s Urinal as a Double Scam?

Darkly amusing: Marcel Duchamp may have swiped the piece that made the 20th-century’s ‘conceptual’ [more accurately: ‘anti-conceptual’] and postmodern art world giddy: Related: My “Why Art Became Ugly” article, explaining the evolution and devolution of high art’s variants during the 1900s The article was first published in 2004, based on a 2003 lecture in

Duchamp’s Urinal as a Double Scam? Read More »

Professor Piotr Kostyło reviews *Nietzsche and the Nazis*

Do We Know What We Advocate? Stephen Hicks’s Defence of Individualism By Professor Piotr Kostyło Piotr Kostyło is Head of the Department of Philosophy of Education at Kasimir the Great University in Bydgoszcz, Poland. The forty-five years of communism in Poland (1944-1989) were marked by the government reminding society of the atrocities committed during World

Professor Piotr Kostyło reviews *Nietzsche and the Nazis* Read More »

*Explaining Postmodernism* published in New Delhi, India

Professor Nazir Azad’s translation of my Explaining Postmodernism: Skepticism and Socialism from Rousseau to Foucault has been published by Educational Publishing House, New Delhi, India. This follows up on the Pakistani edition published in 2023. Information about other editions and translations of the book is here, including the audiobook edition below:

*Explaining Postmodernism* published in New Delhi, India Read More »

Kindle edition of *Nietzsche and the Nazis*

The Kindle edition of my Nietzsche and the Nazis was my first ever Kindle publication, released just before the hardcover edition in 2010. It’s now out in many translations and in audiobook, and I’m well pleased with its track record. The audiobook has over 4.8 million views, which is gratifying. Here also is the original

Kindle edition of *Nietzsche and the Nazis* Read More »

Is Alexander Dugin Fascist, Neo-Marxist, or What? — Professor Hicks lecture in Gdánsk, Poland now online

33-minute lecture delivered by Dr. Stephen Hicks at the Museum of World War II, December 2022: Related: Martin Heidegger (“What Is Metaphysics?”) and Alexander Dugin (“Fascism—Borderless and Red”) in the Philosophers, Explained series.

Is Alexander Dugin Fascist, Neo-Marxist, or What? — Professor Hicks lecture in Gdánsk, Poland now online Read More »

Mis artículos en español (My articles in Spanish) La Inferioridad Moral del Posmodernismo

“La Inferioridad Moral del Posmodernismo.” Por Stephen R. C. Hicks, Ph.D. ¿Estamos luchando contra los posmodernistas con una mano atada a la espalda? Traducido al Español por Fermin Elizalde, 2019. English version: The Spectator, Portuguese translation, and Audio version. Para más artículos en español visite el siguiente link: Stephen Hicks en español

Mis artículos en español (My articles in Spanish) La Inferioridad Moral del Posmodernismo Read More »