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Tu Vida Sexual Bajo el Socialismo [Open College en español]

[A translation into Spanish by Fermin Elizalde of my Open College episode, “Your Sex Life Under Socialism.”] El socialismo se define de manera estándar como la propiedad colectiva de los medios de producción. ¿Qué implica eso para tu vida sexual? A veces, el socialismo se concibe más estrechamente como una doctrina económica acerca de la […]

Tu Vida Sexual Bajo el Socialismo [Open College en español] Read More »

Bhopal’s Chemical Disaster—Who Really Cares About the Environment [Open College series]

A new episode of my podcast series, produced by Possibly Correct out of Toronto. Audio link: iTunes Stitcher YouTube Topics: Historical overview of the Catastrophe // Lessons to learn // Standard narrative and my opinion of it // Journalism and the Bhopal case // Questions and analysis Transcription: Forthcoming. Related: Blamestorming and Environmental Problems (Part I)

Bhopal’s Chemical Disaster—Who Really Cares About the Environment [Open College series] Read More »

Toxic Waste at Love Canal—Who Really Cares About the Environment [Open College series]

The chemical leak at Love Canal informs our environmental thinking — but was it a government failure or a greedy-corporation failure? Audio link: iTunes Stitcher YouTube Topics: Good and bad news about Love Canal // Historical information // Consequences and the rise of environmental philosophy // Important facts // Who are the bad guys? // Bad-Corporations/Good-Government narrative

Toxic Waste at Love Canal—Who Really Cares About the Environment [Open College series] Read More »

Your Sex Life under Socialism [Open College series]

A new episode of my podcast series, produced by Possibly Correct, Toronto, Ontario. Title: Your Sex Life under Socialism Topics and times: Definition of socialism // Robert Heilbroner and top-down control // From old-style communalism to individualism in sex and love // New-style communalism // Sex and reproduction in the Soviet Union: Alexandra Kollontai //

Your Sex Life under Socialism [Open College series] Read More »

Debate video: Morality of Capitalism vs. Socialism (Buenos Aires)

Here’s the edited video of the November 21, 2018 debate in Argentina. The debaters’ back-and-forth was at times intense, and the audience was sometimes rambunctious — but the moderator, Professor Ivan Carrino, did a very good job of keeping us on track and on time. After introductions by Eduardo Marty, initial voting directed by María

Debate video: Morality of Capitalism vs. Socialism (Buenos Aires) Read More »

A difference with Jordan Peterson on Enlightenment foundations

During a fun (and long) question-and-answer session after a lecture at Lafayette College in Pennsylvania — some of us were still going strong after three hours — I was asked my view on the origins of the Enlightenment. The first questioner noted that Jordan Peterson had spoken at Lafayette the year before and had argued

A difference with Jordan Peterson on Enlightenment foundations Read More »