Search Results for: Nietzsche

Polish translation of *Nietzsche and the Nazis* published

The Polish translation of Nietzsche and the Nazis has now officially been published by the Fundacji Fuhrmanna (Fuhrmann Foundation) as Nietzsche i naziści, moje spojrzenia. Many thanks to Dr. Przemysław Zientkowski for arranging this translation and publication, as well as to the translator, Izabela Kłodzinska. The cover was designed by Bartek.Balaa.Nowak. Information about other editions […]

Polish translation of *Nietzsche and the Nazis* published Read More »

Lisbon, Portugal talk upcoming: Did the Nazis use or abuse Nietzsche’s philosophy?

On Thursday, May 22, I’ll be giving a lecture at the Catholic University of Portugal in Lisbon. My title is: “Did the National Socialists Use or Abuse Nietzsche’s Philosophy?” The talk will be based on themes from my Nietzsche and the Nazis. Many thanks to Professor João Espada of CUP’s Institute for Political Studies for

Lisbon, Portugal talk upcoming: Did the Nazis use or abuse Nietzsche’s philosophy? Read More »

Article published: “Friedrich Nietzsche’s politics of genius”

Przemysław Zientkowski (Nicholas Copernicus University) and I have a co-authored article (in English) now out in the Polish journal, Ruch Filozoficzny (and available here). The full title of the article is “Friedrich Nietzsche’s Politics of Genius and Its Challenge for Liberal-Democratic Europe.” Dr. Zientkowski recently (2013) published a book on the critique of human rights

Article published: “Friedrich Nietzsche’s politics of genius” Read More »

Zientkowski on Nietzsche and human rights

I have a co-authored article (in English) forthcoming in a Polish academic journal. My co-author is Przemysław Zientkowski of Nicholas Copernicus University. Dr. Zientkowski has just published a book (in Polish) on the critique of human rights in Friedrich Nietzsche’s philosophy. So if your Polish is up to speed, check it out.

Zientkowski on Nietzsche and human rights Read More »

Nietzsche as a Proto-Nazi [N&N audiobook]

Part 7 of the audiobook version of my Nietzsche and the Nazis: A Personal View. Part 7. Nietzsche as a Proto-Nazi [mp3] [YouTube] [27 minutes] 34. Anti-individualism and collectivism [mp3] [YouTube] 35. Conflict of groups [mp3] [YouTube] 36. Instinct, passion, and anti-reason [mp3] [YouTube] 37. Conquest and war [mp3] [YouTube] 38. Authoritarianism [mp3] [YouTube] 39.

Nietzsche as a Proto-Nazi [N&N audiobook] Read More »

Nietzsche’s Life and Influence [N&N audiobook]

Part 5 of the audiobook version of my Nietzsche and the Nazis: A Personal View. Part 5. Nietzsche’s Life and Influence [mp3] [YouTube] [46 minutes] 21. Who was Friedrich Nietzsche? [mp3] [YouTube] 22. God is dead [mp3] [YouTube] 23. Nihilism’s symptoms [mp3] [YouTube] 24. Masters and slaves [mp3] [YouTube] 25. The origin of slave morality

Nietzsche’s Life and Influence [N&N audiobook] Read More »