Search Results for: Art

Third-Way Politics and Its Bitter Fruits [Good Life series]

Beware the compromisers — a lesson from this generation’s history. In 1998, President Bill Clinton announced: “We have moved past the sterile debate between those who say Government is the problem and those who say Government is the solution. My fellow Americans, we have found a Third Way.” Third Way politics became popular in the […]

Third-Way Politics and Its Bitter Fruits [Good Life series] Read More »

Ethics — Course Topics

Syllabus. Exam Schedule. To start: Stephen Hicks,  “What Entrepreneurs Can Teach Us All About Life.” Published in The Wall Street Journal (2016). Topic One  Is life meaningful or meaningless? The Meaning of Life—Selected Quotations from Psalms, Shakespeare, Brooke, Marvell, Thoreau, and others. Albert Camus, “The Myth of Sisyphus” (1942). Optional: Stephen Hicks, “Would Immortality Be Worth

Ethics — Course Topics Read More »

Jean-Jacques Rousseau on compulsory religious behavior [from Explaining Postmodernism]

Jean-Jacques Rousseau said: “While the state can compel no one to believe it can banish not for impiety, but as an antisocial being, incapable of truly loving the laws and justice, and of sacrificing, if needed, his life to his duty. If, after having publicly recognized these dogmas, a person acts as if he does

Jean-Jacques Rousseau on compulsory religious behavior [from Explaining Postmodernism] Read More »

Czego przedsiębiorczość może nas nauczyć o życiu? [Polish translation]

[The following is a Polish translation of my “What Entrepreneurship Can Teach Us All About Life”. Here are links to translations into Spanish and Portuguese. Tekst ukazał się w The Wall Street Journal, 2 maja 2016. PDF.] Stephen R. C. Hicks Często myślimy o przedsiębiorcach jak o przerysowanych postaciach. Podejmują duże ryzyko. Tworzą własne zasady.

Czego przedsiębiorczość może nas nauczyć o życiu? [Polish translation] Read More »

Joy in education — Susan Engel asks why it’s missing

Kevin Currie-Knight pointed me to this Atlantic article by Susan Engel, in which Engel notes: “Many teachers are pressured to treat pleasure and joy as the enemies of competence and responsibility.” That perverse duality pervades so much of education historically and today. I’m reminded of John Locke’s hopeful musing in the 1690s on how best

Joy in education — Susan Engel asks why it’s missing Read More »