Search Results for: Art

“From Modern to Postmodern Art and Beyond,” Part 1 by Stephen Hicks

This lecture was given in New York at the Foundation for the Advancement of Art’s conference. ‘For a long time critics of modern and postmodern art have relied on the “Isn’t that disgusting” strategy. By that I mean the strategy of pointing out that given works of art are ugly, trivial, or in bad taste, […]

“From Modern to Postmodern Art and Beyond,” Part 1 by Stephen Hicks Read More »

Eduardo Marty: La envidia, el sentimiento autodestructivo que alimenta la decadencia argentina

Ha alimentado durante toda nuestra historia al populismo argentino. Desde los caudillos a Rosas, desde Perón a Galtieri, desde Néstor a Cristina Por Eduardo Marty. Artículo original en Infobae: aquí. Con referencias de Stephen Hicks. “Envy: hatred of the good for being the good” (Ayn Rand) Si ha habido un sentimiento que ha alimentado durante toda

Eduardo Marty: La envidia, el sentimiento autodestructivo que alimenta la decadencia argentina Read More »

“Individualism in Art” — Wittkower essay

A few excerpts from Rudolf Wittkower‘s important essay “Individualism in Art,” published in Journal of the History of Ideas 22 (1961), 291-302. From guild monopolies to individual entrepreneurism: “It would seem that with the breaking of the guild monopoly in the course of the XVth century the artist’s attitude to his work changed. Instead of

“Individualism in Art” — Wittkower essay Read More »

Woodhouse’s good article on Foucault

Leighton Woodhouse wrote this perceptive piece focused on Foucault’s History of Sexuality, Volume I. Woodhouse is right that sometimes Foucault offers only descriptive accounts of constitutive power relations. (Like in HS, though even in HS he does not consistently stick to that.) But that’s not the only Foucauldian text. Foucault also describes himself as a

Woodhouse’s good article on Foucault Read More »