Search Results for: Free speech

Hicks on “Democratic Socialism for Beginners”

This unit of our Atlas University course on Socialism analyzes democratic socialism: In our generation, most socialists have shifted away from overtly dictatorial socialism. Among younger people is some level of awareness of socialism’s terrible history but they still think of it as an ideal to be striven for. What do they hope for and […]

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Stephen Hicks, “Your Sex Life Under Socialism” [Atlas Intellectuals]

This unit on Socialism features Stephen Hicks’s “Your Sex Life Under Socialism.” Here’s the logic: “If human beings are the most important means of production and socialism means collective ownership of the means of production, then socialism means collective ownership of human beings. And if human beings are produced by sexual reproduction and socialism is

Stephen Hicks, “Your Sex Life Under Socialism” [Atlas Intellectuals] Read More »

Stephen Hicks, “The Stain of Slavery” [Atlas Intellectuals]

In this week of the Atlas Intellectuals course on Slavery we feature Stephen Hicks’s Open College Podcast on “The Stain of Slavery.” Topics: The decline of slavery as a moral achievement // History: slavery practiced everywhere before modernity // The internal African slave society and trades // The Atlantic trade and where the slaves went

Stephen Hicks, “The Stain of Slavery” [Atlas Intellectuals] Read More »

Critical Race Theory and Medical Education [Commentary]

Critical Race Theory and Medical Education Stephen R. C. Hicks, Department of Philosophy, Rockford University, Illinois, USA 61108 [Invited comment on J. Tsai, “Building Structural Empathy to Marshal Critical Education into Compassionate Praxis: Evaluation of a Peer-Led Critical Race Theory Course,” for Journal of Law, Medicine, and Ethics, Special Issue on “Race and Ethnicity in

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Compulsory pronoun use in academia?

Sixth Circuit Court decision, Thapar, Circuit Judge: “Traditionally, American universities have been beacons ofintellectual diversity and academic freedom. They have prided themselves on being forumswhere controversial ideas are discussed and debated. And they have tried not to stifle debate bypicking sides. But Shawnee State chose a different route: It punished a professor for his speechon

Compulsory pronoun use in academia? Read More »

Los Conservadores *NO* Son Capitalistas de Libre-Mercado

Stephen R. C. Hicks Traducido al Español por Fermín Elizalde. Navegar en la red y otros lugares es una manera fácil de identificar el conservadurismo con políticas de libre mercado. Se propone una política de liberalización económica, los periodistas la etiquetarán como una política “conservadora” y los comentaristas, dependiendo de su origen, lamentarán o celebrarán

Los Conservadores *NO* Son Capitalistas de Libre-Mercado Read More »

The Blaze profile: “Stephen Hicks: Philosopher, Highwayman” [re-printing]

Stephen Hicks: Philosopher, Highwayman By: Kevin Ryan The philosopher navigates from the passenger seat of our Mazda CX-3 as we cross Stone Arch Bridge in deepening afternoon, over the North Mississippi with its polluted blue water. “Everything is connected,” he says. “Everything has implications.” When he talks, he floats his hands. Throughout the day, random

The Blaze profile: “Stephen Hicks: Philosopher, Highwayman” [re-printing] Read More »

Press Release: People of Color and Gender Equality Working Group

Two documents. Which is real? And now the original: [Lenin quotation source.] Raw text versions follow: 1. Press Release: People of Color and Gender Equality Working Group For our racist and sexist society, freedom of  speech means freedom for whites and males to control the media, a practice which in all countries, including even the

Press Release: People of Color and Gender Equality Working Group Read More »