Search Results for: Free speech

Livestream Q&A at thinkspot: Questions so far

Saturday at noon Central. Sign up here: Questions posted so far: SLAVERY 1. [T]he current reparations demands from more organized BLM representatives: what are your thoughts on the current reparations debate? Do you foresee radical forms or lesser forms of it manifesting in policy? Are you in agreement with certain forms of it? Do […]

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Your Sex Life Under Socialism [Open College transcript]

We’re now posting serially at thinkspot the transcripts of my Open College podcasts. Here’s the seventh: OC7: Your Sex Life Under Socialism. “If socialism means collective ownership of the means of production, and human beings are the most important means of production, then socialism means collective ownership of human beings. And if human beings are

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Nietzsche and Rand: 124 Similarities and Differences

This is a work in progress. Corrections and additions welcome. The long comparison table below is also here in PDF format. Nietzsche and Rand: A Comparison of Positions on 124 Issues Stephen R.C. Hicks, Philosophy, Rockford University Updated June 2020 Summary 124 issues tabulated below with quotations and sources. Agreements between Nietzsche and Rand: 21

Nietzsche and Rand: 124 Similarities and Differences Read More »

Texts in Philosophy — mid-2020 additions

For use in my courses, additions to my Texts in Philosophy page. Martin Luther King, Jr., “Address at the Freedom Rally in Cobo Hall,” 1963. [His first “I have a dream” speech.] Herbert Marcuse, “Repressive Tolerance” (1965). George Walsh, “Defining Religion: The Supernatural as Personal/Impersonal” (1998). Excerpt from The Role of Religion in History. Woodrow

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Join me at thinkspot — launching soon

I’m happy to be joining some of today’s brightest minds at thinkspot, a new free-speech-absolutist alternative to Patreon, YouTube, and other sites that have struggled with de-platforming and shadow-banning. The site initially features twelve thinkers — including Jordan Peterson, Heather MacDonald, Gregg Hurwitz, and James Altucher — and I’m honored to be included in that

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