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Vorzüglichkeit, Freiheit und Leidenschaft in der Bildung

[A translation into German of my “Excellence in Education,” first published in Decus in 2004.] Vorzüglichkeit, Freiheit und Leidenschaft in der Bildung Stephen R.C. Hicks Übersetzung von Anja Hartleb-Parson Wenn man über Ausbildung schreiben soll, kann es schwer sein den Klischees zu entkommen: Vorzüglichkeit, Wahrheit, Ehre, Tradition, Zukunft. Trotzdem erfassen diese Wörter wesentliche Ziele der […]

Vorzüglichkeit, Freiheit und Leidenschaft in der Bildung Read More »

A educação está ficando muito cara?

Muitas pessoas reclamam sobre como a educação tornou-se tão cara. Na maior parte do tempo elas estão erradas. A escolarização tornou-se mais cara, mas considere o custo dos seguintes recursos educacionais: Khan Academy para aprender matemática: Gratuito. Louvre Online para estudar história da arte: Gratuito. Google Translate para aprender dezenas de línguas: Gratuito. Wikipedia para

A educação está ficando muito cara? Read More »

Will the real Scrooge please stand up?

[Re-pinning for this season’s festivities.] We all know the tale of Ebenezer Scrooge. Or do we? Charles Dickens’s A Christmas Carol has generated an astonishing variety of interpretations, and as with most rich tales the interpretations often tell us as much about the interpreter as the original story. The legend of Robin Hood is a

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Entrepreneurial Education conference — Call for Papers

Entrepreneurial Education conference Sponsored by the Center for Ethics and Entrepreneurship Rockford University, Illinois Call for Papers The Center for Ethics and Entrepreneurship will be hosting a conference at Rockford University, March 13-14, 2016, on Entrepreneurial Education. On the Entrepreneurial side of the phrase: We live in entrepreneurial times. From the work demand side, there

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Texts in Philosophy — very late 2015 additions

For use in my courses, additions to my Texts in Philosophy page. All files are PDFs. Thomas Aquinas, “Whether it is lawful to kill sinners?” and “Whether heretics ought to be tolerated?” From Summa Theologica (1265-1274). Sigmund Freud, Civilization and Its Discontents (1930). Henry Hazlitt, Economics in One Lesson (1946). Martin Luther, excerpts from The

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Em defesa de uma Secretaria de Assuntos Sexuais

A vida sexual da nação está em perigo. Pesquisas mostram insatisfação geral quando o assunto é sexo. A falha de mercado em toda parte. Muitos homens reclamam de poucas relações sexuais e muitas mulheres desaprovam os olhares e cantadas constantes. Outros homens estão insatisfeitos com as opções disponíveis em sua região e outras mulheres estão

Em defesa de uma Secretaria de Assuntos Sexuais Read More »

Steele on The Mystery of Fascism

Worth reading: David Ramsay Steele’s now-classic article on the intellectual origins and practical evolution of fascism — “The Mystery of Fascism.” “From 1912 to 1914, Mussolini was the Che Guevara of his day, a living saint of leftism. Handsome, courageous, charismatic, an erudite Marxist, a riveting speaker and writer, a dedicated class warrior to the

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