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Jerry Kirkpatrick on Montessori and Dewey (interview transcript)

Interview conducted at Rockford University by Stephen Hicks and sponsored by the Center for Ethics and Entrepreneurship. Hicks: I’m Stephen Hicks. My guest this evening is Professor Jerry Kirkpatrick from California State Polytechnic University in Pomona. He is the author of a new book, Montessori, Dewey and Capitalism. Tonight he gave a lecture to the […]

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Liberdade de expressão e pós-modernismo

[Publicado pela primeira vez em Inglês: “Free Speech and Postmodernism” at Amazon or in PDF. Português tradução de Matheus Pacini e revisão de Mateus Bernardino.] No início dos tempos modernos, a causa em prol da liberdade de expressão venceu a batalha contra o autoritarismo tradicional. Os argumentos poderosos de Galileu[1], John Locke[2], John Stuart Mill[3] e outros venceram

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Galileo on religion and science (Introduction to Philosophy this week)

[This week in my Introduction to Philosophy course, we’re reading Galileo’s “Letter to the Grand Duchess Christina” — published exactly 400 years ago — in which he argues that free inquiry in the sciences is compatible with religion rightly understood. Here is a re-posting of my Galileo and the Modern Compromise.] IN HIS OPEN LETTER

Galileo on religion and science (Introduction to Philosophy this week) Read More »

O desastre químico em Bhopal — quem é o culpado?

O número estimado de mortos como consequência do desastre químico em Bhopal, Índia, no ano de 1984, é de 15.000 pessoas. Contextualizando o caso, considere que o número estimado de mortos no desastre nuclear de Chernobyl, na União Soviética, foi 4.000; no vazamento radioativo em Fukushima, no Japão, em 2011, foi zero; e no acidente

O desastre químico em Bhopal — quem é o culpado? Read More »

Video Interview with Professor Nicholas Capaldi — Transcript

Interview conducted at Rockford University by Stephen Hicks and sponsored by the Center for Ethics and Entrepreneurship. Hicks: Our guest today is Professor Nicholas Capaldi, who is the Legendre-Soulé Professor of Business Ethics at Loyola University in New Orleans. Professor Capaldi was here lecturing on business ethics. You framed your discussion on business ethics in

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