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Podemos culpar Keynes pelo keynesianismo?

Em nossa era de economia keynesiana sob efeito de esteróides, devemos perguntar: quão próxima está a prática keynesiana da teoria keynesiana original? A principal alegação que levou John Maynard Keynes à fama foi a sua defesa de gastos via déficit público como uma ferramenta de recuperação econômica. Em uma economia em depressão, segue o argumento, […]

Podemos culpar Keynes pelo keynesianismo? Read More »

Interview with entrepreneurs Magatte Wade and Michael Strong — Transcript

Interview conducted at Rockford University by Stephen Hicks and sponsored by the Center for Ethics and Entrepreneurship. Hicks: Hi, I’m Stephen Hicks. I am executive director of The Center for Ethics and Entrepreneurship here at Rockford University. My two guests today spoke at Rockford University on the themes of entrepreneurship and ethics. With me is

Interview with entrepreneurs Magatte Wade and Michael Strong — Transcript Read More »

Religion and the Verdict of History [new Theist vs. Atheist series column]

The opening of my final column in the Theist vs. Atheist debate series at EveryJoe: “To evaluate religion’s track record we need to specify our evaluative benchmarks and identify whether we are evaluating religion generically or a particular religion. “A religion is a set of beliefs and practices, and my primary benchmark is this: Does it

Religion and the Verdict of History [new Theist vs. Atheist series column] Read More »

Free College Tuition is a Moral Issue [new The Good Life column]

The opening of my latest column at EveryJoe: “Higher education can be a path to a successful life. Yet many successful people did not graduate from college and many unsuccessful people have impressive degrees. “So who should go to college? And who should pay for it? Let’s start by imagining an average student who wants

Free College Tuition is a Moral Issue [new The Good Life column] Read More »

Gatilhos mentais e micro-agressões como estratégias

Em sua vida, quantas vezes você presenciou um consenso geral sobre a significado de um grande fenômeno cultural? Está acontecendo agora, quando libertários, conservadores, progressistas e radicais de esquerda concordam que a podridão tomou conta do politicamente correto (PC). O inferno está congelando e os porcos agora podem voar. Os sintomas de PC são bem-conhecidos: hipersensibilidade

Gatilhos mentais e micro-agressões como estratégias Read More »

Has Religion Been on Balance Good or Bad for Humanity? [new Theist vs. Atheist series column]

The opening of John C. Wright’s final column in the Theist vs. Atheist series debate at EveryJoe: “The question for this final column of the debate between Catholic and Atheist is this: Has religion been on balance good or bad for humanity? “Alert readers may have noticed in previous columns that nearly every question contains

Has Religion Been on Balance Good or Bad for Humanity? [new Theist vs. Atheist series column] Read More »

Is Political Evil Built Into Religion? [new Theist vs. Atheist series column]

The opening of my latest column in the Theist vs. Atheist debate series at EveryJoe: “We live in good times for religion and politics. The great majority of us are free to practice or not religion as we choose. That has been rare in human history, as politicians have generally enjoyed using religion as a

Is Political Evil Built Into Religion? [new Theist vs. Atheist series column] Read More »

The Bhopal Chemical Spill Disaster: Who’s to Blame? [new The Good Life column]

The opening of my latest column at EveryJoe: “The long-term estimated death toll from the 1984 Bhopal disaster in India is about 15,000 people. “To put that in context, consider that the estimated immediate death toll from the Soviet Union’s 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster is 4,000. The death toll from Japan’s Fukushima nuclear radiation leak

The Bhopal Chemical Spill Disaster: Who’s to Blame? [new The Good Life column] Read More »