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O ser humano é inerentemente mau? [Portuguese translation]

“As pessoas são escória.” “A humanidade é um deserto moral.” “Eu tenho vergonha de ser humano.” Sempre quando os cínicos se expressam, fico tentado a retrucar que a filosofia é uma autobiografia e que eles deveriam colocar suas afirmações na primeira pessoa: “Eu sou a escória.” “Eu sou um deserto moral.” “Eu tenho vergonha de […]

O ser humano é inerentemente mau? [Portuguese translation] Read More »

Is Religion Worth Arguing About? [new Theist vs. Atheist series column]

The opening of my first column in the Theist vs. Atheist series debate at EveryJoe: “My answer is: Absolutely, yes, religion is worth arguing about. “We have all heard that in polite company we should not discuss sex, politics, business, or religion. Those topics are too troublesome, so we should stick to safer topics. “Of course such topics are inappropriate

Is Religion Worth Arguing About? [new Theist vs. Atheist series column] Read More »

Update on new debate series on Religion, True or False?

The series of back-and-forth articles debating key issues in religion will begin tomorrow, Thursday, June 11. Our online host is, and my civil and friendly debate partner is John C. Wright, who has written widely on religion and related matters. My first article in the “Theist vs Atheist: What Should You Believe?” series will

Update on new debate series on Religion, True or False? Read More »

CBC discussion of corruption and power

Tomorrow morning I’ll be on the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation’s “The Current” radio program, which according to its website is “Canada’s Most Listened-to Radio Program.” Our topic is whether power corrupts. The journalistic context is the recent FIFA scandal, scandals in the Canadian Senate, and the ongoing scandals in politics, business, and so on around the

CBC discussion of corruption and power Read More »

Spinoza as cautionary tale about asking the wrong questions

An example of using social fear to intimidate students who might ask the “wrong questions.” From a review of Rebecca Goldstein’s Betraying Spinoza: Goldstein tells of “the particularly Jewish way in which Spinoza entered her life. It initially happened, she tells us, in a yeshiva high school for girls. Her favorite teacher, Mrs. Schoenfeld, told

Spinoza as cautionary tale about asking the wrong questions Read More »

Texts in Philosophy — early 2015 additions

For use in my courses, additions to my Texts in Philosophy page. All files are PDFs. “Arachne and Athena.” James Buchanan, “Public Choice: Politics without Romance,” Policy Magazine (2003). Martin Heidegger, “Reunion Speech” (1934). HTML version here. Heinrich Himmler, “Speech at Posen” (1943). John Maynard Keynes, The End of Laissez-Faire (1926). HTML version here. John

Texts in Philosophy — early 2015 additions Read More »

Corrupção — a regulamentação governamental ajuda?

Coisas ruins acontecem no livre mercado. Algumas pessoas mentem, utilizam atalhos, cometem fraudes e passam cheques sem fundo. Outros não cumprem contratos, oferecem ou aceitam suborno, pagam propina, roubam e assim por diante. Frequentemente isso se traduz em argumentos em prol da regulamentação governamental. O livre mercado maximiza a liberdade, diz o argumento, dando mais oportunidades

Corrupção — a regulamentação governamental ajuda? Read More »