Search Results for: Free speech

Professor Mehta’s firing: four quick hypotheses

Acadia University fired a tenured professor. Still not much hard information to go on. But from the public documents, those of us to don’t know the professor or the university atmosphere personally can glean four hypotheses. He was fired because: 1. His positions are ideologically wrong, according to his campus enemies. 2. His manner of

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Burckhardt on Shiva, the god of destruction

Among German intellectuals of the generation before and after 1900, there was widespread interest in Eastern religions. Jacob Burckhardt expresses one point of attraction: “Not without cause do the Indians worship Shiva, the God of destruction. Filled with the joy of destruction, wars clear the air like thunderstorms, they steel the nerves and restore the

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Should politicians force diversity at universities?

By diversity I mean the intellectual kind. Numerous surveys (e.g., here and here) show that university faculties lean left, often far left in humanities departments. A purely democratic argument says Yes, politicians should force diversity. Government-funded universities are paid for with tax monies, and in a democracy politicians are responsible to their constituents to ensure

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Forcing professors out, 1933 edition

Thomas Hager (p. 240) describes well the attitude of a majority of students and professors within the universities, when Hitler and and his Culture Minister demanded that all Jews be removed from their professorships: “German university students were, in general … devoted to making Germany great again. They were strongly pro-Nazi. Among faculty members, there

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Business and Economic Ethics — Course Topics and Materials

Philosophy 325 Professor Stephen Hicks Introduction Stephen Hicks, “What Entrepreneurship Can Teach Us About Life” (or at The Wall Street Journal). Audio version. Topic 1: Entrepreneurism Hans Rosling, “200 Countries, 200 Years, 4 Minutes — The Joy of Stats” [Video] Movie: Mr. Selfridge (Season 1, Episode 1). Questions: Why do some people say “I’ve never

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Richard Wagner’s “Art and Revolution” text

[Below is the text of Richard Wagner’s 1849 essay “Art and Revolution” (and here is a PDF version).] Richard Wagner “Art and Revolution” Almost universal is the outcry raised by artists nowadays against the damage that the Revolution has occasioned them. It is not the battles of the “barricades,” not the sudden mighty shattering of the pillars

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Dostoyevsky’s “Grand Inquisitor” scene [text]

[Text is below or in PDF.] The Grand Inquisitor By Fyodor Dostoyevsky [From The Brothers Karamazov (1880, II.v.5). Translated from the Russian by Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky. In this novel, Ivan and Alyosha are brothers; Ivan questions the possibility of a personal, benevolent God, and Alyosha is a novice monk. Aside from this background knowledge, the

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