Search Results for: translation

Ad-Dajjal reviews *Nietzsche and the Nazis*

Al-Masih Ad-Dajjal published his extended review of my Nietzsche and the Nazis in December 2019. I like this part: “His writing talent is praiseworthy: clarity, historical competency, willingness to engage opponents with charity. There are occasions throughout the listening of his audiobook where one is moved by way of his descriptions of Nietzschean philosophy, a

Ad-Dajjal reviews *Nietzsche and the Nazis* Read More »

Quem trata seriamente dos monopólios?

[A translation by Matheus Pacini and Vinicius Cintra into Portuguese of my “Who Is Really Serious About Monopolies?”] Levante o tópico dos monopólios, e a discussão resultante rapidamente evidenciará deficiências ideológicas. Um colega com quem lecionei nas áreas de negócios e capitalismo enviou-me, de forma entusiasmada, esse artigo escrito por Paul Krugman, um economista vencedor

Quem trata seriamente dos monopólios? Read More »

Frightened Children Won’t Solve the World’s Problems

Bjorn Lomborg’s diagnosis: “Decades of climate-change exaggeration in the West have produced frightened children, febrile headlines, and unrealistic political promises. The world needs a cooler approach that addresses climate change smartly without scaring us needlessly and that pays heed to the many other challenges facing the planet.” Decades indeed. Ten years ago: “One in Three

Frightened Children Won’t Solve the World’s Problems Read More »

La Inferioridad Moral del Posmodernismo

[A Spanish translation of my “Postmodernism’s Moral Low Ground,” which is also available in English at The Spectator, in Portuguese translation, and in a podcast version.] La Inferioridad Moral del Posmodernismo Stephen R. C. Hicks ¿Estamos luchando contra los posmodernistas con una mano atada a la espalda? Las batallas intelectuales son el elemento vital de

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