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Kostyło on school failure’s independence of political change

A interesting and disturbing article by Professor Piotr Kostyło on “School failure and its interpretations” [pdf], published in Kultura Pedagogiczna out of the University of Warsaw. Kostyło is a professor of philosophy of education at the University of Kazimierz Wielki. Kostyło’s analysis is disturbing because it suggests that Poland’s change from communism to liberal democracy […]

Kostyło on school failure’s independence of political change Read More »

A ética do bote salva-vidas, escassez e conflitos

Um cenário que é querido pelos eticistas, especialistas em políticas públicas e consultores em geral, pede que você se imagine em um bote salva-vidas. Nesses cenários estão inseridas suposições poderosas com implicações de vida ou morte, portanto, é interessante estuda-lo para compreendermos melhor do que se trata. Aqui vamos nós: Você estava sobrevoando o Oceano

A ética do bote salva-vidas, escassez e conflitos Read More »

German translation of “The Best Work of the Best Minds”

My article, “The Best Work of the Best Minds,” is available in German translation. The text is below, and here is a PDF version. Here also is a Kindle version of the original English article. * * * Die höchsten Leistungen der besten Verstände Stephen R. C. Hicks Übersetzung von Anja Hartleb-Parson Ich sitze am

German translation of “The Best Work of the Best Minds” Read More »

New addition in Philosophy’s Longest Sentences competition

Which philosopher writes the most mind-numbingly long sentences? Ken Brown sends in a new contender — a 179 word-marathon from John Stuart Mill’s Utilitarianism: “But inasmuch as the cultivation in ourselves of a sensitive feeling on the subject of veracity, is one of the most useful, and the enfeeblement of that feeling one of the

New addition in Philosophy’s Longest Sentences competition Read More »

O poder não corrompe — o caráter é o que realmente importa

Em colunas anteriores, tratamos sobre sexo e dinheiro. Agora, vamos falar de poder. Assim como o sexo e o dinheiro — e a maioria das coisas importantes da vida — muitas bobagens são ditas sobre o poder. Talvez a principal de todas elas seja a frase frequentemente citada “o poder corrompe, e o poder absoluto corrompe absolutamente”.  Através de

O poder não corrompe — o caráter é o que realmente importa Read More »

“Should I Marry You?” Answers From the Philosophers [new The Good Life column]

The opening of my latest column at EveryJoe: “Romance is in the air, and even the lovers of wisdom are not immune from its allure. “So here is a round-up of philosophers talking to their sweethearts – collected from conversations overheard at smoky cafés, college libraries, mountain paths, and seminar rooms the world over. The Aristotelian: “I

“Should I Marry You?” Answers From the Philosophers [new The Good Life column] Read More »

Transcript: William Kline on market-based business ethics

New transcription: Dr. William Kline spoke at Rockford University on business ethics. My follow-up interview with him on the main points of his talk are below in video and transcribed-text form: Interview with William Kline, Ph.D., on Business Ethics Interview conducted at Rockford College by Stephen Hicks, Ph.D. The Center for Ethics and Entrepreneurship Hicks:

Transcript: William Kline on market-based business ethics Read More »

À procura de um culpado: “A desregulamentação causou a crise financeira”

Você já ouviu a afirmação: “a desregulamentação causou a crise financeira”. Nos anos que antecederam a 2008, diz a história, maus economistas convenceram maus políticos a desregularem os setores bancário e financeiro da economia, e maus capitalistas desfrutaram de uma orgia de ganância que fez com que o sistema enlouquecesse. Os prêmios Nobel Joseph Stiglitz

À procura de um culpado: “A desregulamentação causou a crise financeira” Read More »