Search Results for: Locke

Video interview with Professor Nicholas Capaldi

Professor Capaldi lectured recently at Rockford University on the topic of “The Lockean Liberty Narrative versus the Rousseau Equality Narrative, and How These Narratives Explain Everything.” Afterward we discussed his themes — the conflict between the Lockean and Rousseauian narratives, enterprise and civil societies, the nature of the corporation, corporate philanthropy, cronyism, and more. Professor

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Nicholas Capaldi to speak at Rockford University

On September 17, Dr. Nicholas Capaldi will visit the campus to speak on “The Lockean Liberty Narrative vs. the Rousseau Equality Narrative, and How These Narratives Explain Everything.” Professor Capaldi is the Legendre-Soulé Distinguished Chair in Business Ethics at Loyola University, New Orleans. He received his B.A. from the University of Pennsylvania and his Ph.D.

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Montessori Education

Maria Montessori (1870–1952) was an Italian educator and theorist whose system of “scientific pedagogy” led to the development of Montessori schools worldwide. Some resources: * My 38-minute video overview of Montessori education. * My 2.5 hour video lecture on Objectivism and Montessori, which is Part 12 of my Philosophy of Education course. * Montessori versus

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Texts in Philosophy

Alphabetical by Author or Topic Thomas Aquinas, “Whether it is lawful to kill sinners?” and “Whether heretics ought to be tolerated?” From Summa Theologica (1265-1274). “Arachne and Athena.” Hannah Arendt, “The Crisis in Education” (1954). Aristotle, Books 1-4 of Nicomachean Ethics (c. 335 BCE). Poetics (after 335 BCE). Excerpts from Book 7 of Politics (350 BCE). Augustine,

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The two Americas: 13 countries’ GDP

I’ve started reading Guillermo M. Yeatts’s 2010 Plunder in Latin America. Yeatts lists thirteen American countries’ per capita GDP in 2008 US dollars, first alphabetically by country: Argentina 8,281 Bolivia 1,948 Brazil 8,379 Canada 46,826 Chile 10,933 Colombia 5,478 Cuba 4,840 Ecuador 3,770 Mexico 10,278 Peru 4,454 Uruguay 8,942 USA 46,647 Venezuela 4,315 I re-arranged

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Philosophy’s longest sentences — Bentham edition

Philosophers are noted for their stylish prose as well as their profound insights. Or, to put that point in another, perhaps more felicitous, formulation, they are justly celebrated for their abilities in the words-putting-togetherness department. Earlier I presented some 100-plus word monster sentences from philosophers — Mill, Kant, Aristotle, Locke. But now, via Stuart Hayashi,

Philosophy’s longest sentences — Bentham edition Read More »

Philosophy of Business: William Kline interview

Professor Kline visited Rockford College on Tuesday to give a talk on four major thinkers — Hobbes, Locke, Hume, and Smith — who in large part established the intellectual framework for our modern business world. Kline is a professor of philosophy at the University of Illinois, Springfield. Here is my seven-minute follow-up interview with Kline

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