Search Results for: Art

Another anti-freedom conservative: David Brooks

[Following up on my “Do conservatives really value economic liberty?”, on the conservatisms of Newt Gingrich, Robert Bork, and Irving Kristol.] In The New York Times, moderate conservative David Brooks reflects upon Charles Murray’s Coming Apart: The State of White America, 1960-2010. Brooks agrees with Murray that Americans have divided into two polarized “tribes.” “The

Another anti-freedom conservative: David Brooks Read More »


Lectures on Philosophy of Education My Philosophy of Education course lectures on video. This fifteen-part video course covers key philosophical issues that bear directly upon education. We discuss the works of major philosophers — Plato, Locke, Kant, Dewey, Montessori, and others — who have influenced education greatly, and we compare several systems of educational philosophy

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Profiles in Liberty: Douglas B. Rasmussen

In this extended interview, philosopher Douglas B. Rasmussen responds to a series of questions (listed below) about his life and work. Dr. Rasmussen is a professor of philosophy at St. John’s University in New York. In addition to the books discussed in the interview, he is the author of articles in American Philosophical Quarterly, The

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Three more anti-free-market arguments (UFM seminar)

In this third Socratic seminar on the Best Arguments against Free-market Capitalism, we take up three arguments: a) the paternalist argument that human beings are incapable of living freely, b) the collectivist argument that wealth is a social creation (at 11 minutes), and c) the religious argument that value is not of this world (at

Three more anti-free-market arguments (UFM seminar) Read More »