Search Results for: Art

Competing epistemological imperatives in the arts

Art critic Eric Gibson pronounces: “Objectivity is a cardinal rule in the discipline of art history. Mr. [Paul] Johnson’s book, by contrast, abounds in strong opinions.” (“Bold Strokes, Strong Opinions,” WSJ) But literary critic Tracy Kidder sneers: “As every graduate student knows, only a fool would try to think or bear witness to events objectively

Competing epistemological imperatives in the arts Read More »

Richard Wagner’s “Art and Revolution” text

[Below is the text of Richard Wagner’s 1849 essay “Art and Revolution” (and here is a PDF version).] Richard Wagner “Art and Revolution” Almost universal is the outcry raised by artists nowadays against the damage that the Revolution has occasioned them. It is not the battles of the “barricades,” not the sudden mighty shattering of the pillars

Richard Wagner’s “Art and Revolution” text Read More »

Breitbart, Bannon, and my Marxist activism

[With Trump-strategist Steve Bannon all over the news, here’s a re-post of my one encounter with the Breitbart news and commentary site he headed.] What can I say? According to Andrew Breitbart’s Big Government website, Professor Stephen Hicks of Rockford College is a Marxist devoted to educating cadres of revolutionaries. Many people posted/emailed the Breitbart

Breitbart, Bannon, and my Marxist activism Read More »

Arabic translation of my “Post-postmodern Art” essay (updated)

[My “Post-postmodern Art” essay was translated into Arabic (text below and PDF version here) by Moin Jaffar Mohammed of Babylon, Iraq, edited by Maha El-Shenhaby, and published in the journal Al-Adeeb Al-Thakafiya. For more of my art-related publications, see my Art page.] فن ما بعد – ما بعد الحدثة كتابة : ستيفن هِكس ترجمة : معين

Arabic translation of my “Post-postmodern Art” essay (updated) Read More »

Católico vs. Ateu, Parte 7: A religião tem sido algo bom ou ruim para a humanidade? [Portuguese translation]

[This is a Portuguese translation of Part 7 of the Theist vs. Atheist series, originally published in English at EveryJoe. In the following final round of the debate, John Wright begins and Stephen Hicks replies.] De forma geral, a religião tem sido algo bom ou ruim para a humanidade? Por John C. Wright Tradução de

Católico vs. Ateu, Parte 7: A religião tem sido algo bom ou ruim para a humanidade? [Portuguese translation] Read More »

Alexei Marcoux on moral partiality in business [video interview transcript]

Interview with Professor Alexei Marcoux, conducted at Rockford University by Stephen Hicks and sponsored by the Center for Ethics and Entrepreneurship. Part I Hicks: My guest today is Dr. Alexei Marcoux, who spoke at Rockford University on moral partiality in business practice. Dr. Marcoux is a philosopher by training. He teaches in the business administration program

Alexei Marcoux on moral partiality in business [video interview transcript] Read More »