Search Results for: Enlightenment

My speaking schedule April-July 2015

April 10-12, Cancún, Mexico. Liberty Fund Socratic Seminar. Topic: E. G. West’s Education and the State. April 13-14: Cancún. APEE Conference. Topic One: “Corruption in Business—Does Regulation Lessen or Increase It?” Topic Two: “Social Virtues for Individualists.” April 19-25: Buenos Aires, Argentina. Fundación para la Responsabilidad Intelectual. Topics: TBA. April 29-May 1: Jekyll Island, Georgia. […]

My speaking schedule April-July 2015 Read More »

Keynes’s “The End of Laissez-Faire” (text)

[Below is the text. Here also is a PDF version.] John Maynard Keynes, The End of Laissez-Faire (1926) The disposition towards public affairs, which we conveniently sum up as individualism and laissez-faire, drew its sustenance from many different rivulets of thought and springs of feeling. For more than a hundred years our philosophers ruled us

Keynes’s “The End of Laissez-Faire” (text) Read More »

Is Racial Tolerance the Best We Can Do? [new The Good Life column]

The opening of my latest column at EveryJoe: “Racist attitudes are a holdover from primitive times. There is still plenty of racism, but we have made progress in some parts of the world, as this Washington Post graphic of most and least racist nations shows. “In much of Europe, North America, Australia and New Zealand,

Is Racial Tolerance the Best We Can Do? [new The Good Life column] Read More »

My travel/speaking schedule, September-December 2014

The new academic year is beginning, and here is my line-up for the first semester: September 4: Santiago de Chile, Department of Philosophy, Universidad de Chile. Topic: “Philosophy, Education, and Entrepreneurship.” September 18-21: Tucson, Arizona, Liberty Fund Seminar. Topic: “Is the Decline of Liberty Inevitable?” October 10-11: University of Illinois, Springfield. Topic: “Thirteen Arguments for

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Kostyło on postmodern dialectic of social care

A fascinating article by a Polish philosopher, Professor Piotr Kostyło of the University of Casimir the Great. (Courtesy of the publisher, here is a PDF of Kostyło’s article.) Kostyło notes that this generation of postmodern thinkers seems to have turned against state-provided welfare programs. The usual left-right debate over welfare is between those who argue

Kostyło on postmodern dialectic of social care Read More »

Upcoming lecture at Nicholas Copernicus University, Poland

On May 14, I’ll be in Toruń, Poland, at Nicholas Copernicus University to give a talk entitled “Two Narratives of Modernity: Enlightenment and Postmodern.” Thanks to Professors Marek N. Jakubowski and Przemek Zientkowski for the invitation. Additionally — how delightful to visit the home town of the historically-significant Nicholas Copernicus!

Upcoming lecture at Nicholas Copernicus University, Poland Read More »

Swedish review of Explaining Postmodernism

“I would never let someone go off to university without this book.” Just before the official release of the Swedish translation of Explaining Postmodernism, an editorial review in Dagens Nyheter, Stockholm’s largest newspaper. A rough Google Translate version follows. Truth is more than just stories Susanna Birgersson, Editor [Published March 30, 2014 ] IN A

Swedish review of Explaining Postmodernism Read More »

Open College Podcast and other audio

My podcast series published by Possibly Correct Productions, Toronto. Topics: Free Speech: Why the Philosophy Matters. Violent Politics: The Lesson of Marxism. Conservatives Are Not Free-Market Capitalists. Nietzsche’s Sister and The Will to Power. Your Sex Life under Socialism. Postmoderns and Marxists: Lovers or Enemies? And more. Via: YouTube, iTunes, Soundcloud, Stitcher, Twitter feed. Sign

Open College Podcast and other audio Read More »

Modernity’s declining violence

“A common misconception often quoted by media, politicians, activists is that violence is on the rise and has historically been much lower. Similarly, the trend in post-colonial anthropology has been to regard historically indigenous and tribal societies as more peaceful than contemporary Western society. However, archaeological evidence shows that previous societies had very high level

Modernity’s declining violence Read More »