Search Results for: Locke


Lectures on Philosophy of Education My Philosophy of Education course lectures on video. This fifteen-part video course covers key philosophical issues that bear directly upon education. We discuss the works of major philosophers — Plato, Locke, Kant, Dewey, Montessori, and others — who have influenced education greatly, and we compare several systems of educational philosophy

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Philosophicalish Humor: What I Have Learned about the History of Philosophy from My Students. “Should I Marry You?” Answers From the Philosophers. Existentialism meets high-tech. From the Office of the Reproducer-General. Professor Walsh gives an “A” to a Jain monk. Computing’s environmental impact. The best footnote ever. Sinistromanualism. Zach Weiner’s cartoon metaphysics. On affairs with

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Michael Strong on Socratic teaching

I like this paragraph from Michael Strong’s The Habit of Thought: “The effort of Socratic Practice is to develop students’ own standard of intellectual judgment by means of placing the onus of responsibility for understanding entirely on them and providing them with the tools and experiences necessary to develop their intellectual judgment. ‘Does it make

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Chipotle Mexican Grill versus egalitarianism

Egalitarianism wins. Chipotle restaurant lost an appeal opportunity when the U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear the case. Chipotle had been sued by a wheelchair-bound customer who complained that while other customers could see their food being prepared a four-foot high counter blocked his view from his wheelchair perspective. The plaintiff argued that his rights

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Hayek and Rand on values — APEE 2011 conference

For this year’s conference of the Association of Private Enterprise Education, I am organizing and chairing a session on two giants of the twentieth century — Friedrich Hayek and Ayn Rand — with four scholars comparing their views on values and political economy. Topic: Hayek and Rand on Values Chair: Stephen Hicks, Ph.D., Rockford College,

Hayek and Rand on values — APEE 2011 conference Read More »

3 R’s, foundational knowledge and methods

Professor Hicks discusses the Realist’s philosophy’s emphasis upon fundamental knowledge and skills in education. This is from Part 8 of his Philosophy of Education course. 1 clip: Previous: John Locke on education. Next: Realist curriculum: Example: Science, math, and technology. Return to the Philosophy of Education page. Return to the main page.

3 R’s, foundational knowledge and methods Read More »

Contrasting Realist to Idealist philosophy

Stephen Hicks contrasts Realism’s naturalistic philosophy to Idealism’s other-worldly philosophy. In history-of-philoosophy terms, this is the contrast between Aristotelian and Platonic philosophies. This is from Part 8 of his Philosophy of Education course. Clips 1-6: Previous: [Part 7: Idealism] Idealist education. Next: John Locke on education. Return to the Philosophy of Education page. Return to

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Philosophy of Education

This fifteen-part video course covers philosophical issues that bear directly upon education. Professor Hicks discuss the philosophers — Plato, Locke, Kant, Dewey, and others — who have influenced education greatly, and he compares systems of educational philosophy and their implications for education in practice. This course presupposes no formal knowledge of philosophy or education. Jump

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