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Kant’s non-defense of classical liberalism — my article for Cato Unbound

In the Cato Unbound series, my article “Does Kant Have a Place in Classical Liberalism?” is now up. Here, courtesy of editor Jason Kuznicki, is an abstract: Stephen R. C. Hicks argues that if our case for liberty comes from a mysterious other realm, then perhaps we have no case at all. He describes how […]

Kant’s non-defense of classical liberalism — my article for Cato Unbound Read More »

Understanding Triggers and Microaggression as *Strategy* (Part 2) [Good Life series]

Micro-aggression theory could be seen a sign of progress. The luxury of obsessing over tiny hints of racism or sexism implies that the problem of macro-aggressions has been solved. If your environment — to draw a parallel — is dirty and unhealthy, then you focus on the big messes first. Only when those are cleaned

Understanding Triggers and Microaggression as *Strategy* (Part 2) [Good Life series] Read More »

Understanding Triggers and Microaggression as *Strategy* (Part 1) [Good Life series]

In your lifetime, how many times can you remember when everyone agreed about the significance of a major cultural phenomenon? It is happening now, as libertarians, conservatives, left-liberals and far-leftists all agree that a deep rot has set into Political Correctness. Hell is freezing over and pigs can now fly. The symptoms of P.C. are

Understanding Triggers and Microaggression as *Strategy* (Part 1) [Good Life series] Read More »

A religião é boa ou má para a política? [Católico vs. Ateu, Parte 6, Portuguese translation]

[This is a Portuguese translation of Part 6 of the Theist vs. Atheist debate series between Stephen Hicks and John Wright, originally published in English at EveryJoe.] A religião é boa ou má para a política? Por John C. Wright Tradução de Matheus Pacini Revisão de Mateus Bernardino A questão dessa semana é se a

A religião é boa ou má para a política? [Católico vs. Ateu, Parte 6, Portuguese translation] Read More »

Blamestorming and Environmental Problems (Part I) [Good Life series]

Some parts of the world really are environmental Hells. They are dirty and depleted, making them unhealthy and economically unsustainable. We can argue about the severity of various places’ problems, but I want to focus on another aspect of the debate: determining accurately the causes of the degradation so we can focus productively on finding

Blamestorming and Environmental Problems (Part I) [Good Life series] Read More »

Anti-Liberalism — my article in Reason Papers

The new issue of Reason Papers (38:1) has an interesting symposium on the Philosophy of Play, with discussions by Christopher C. Kirby and Brolin Graham, William Schultz, Aaron Harper, and Francisco Javier Lopez Frias. I also have a long-ish article in which I make fifteen arguments against my own liberal philosophy: “Liberalism: The Fifteen Strongest

Anti-Liberalism — my article in Reason Papers Read More »

Católico vs. Ateu Parte 5: O Sentido da Vida depende da existência de Vida Após a Morte? [Portuguese translation]

[This is a Portuguese translation of Part 5 of the Theist vs. Atheist debate series between John C. Wright and Stephen Hicks, originally published in English at EveryJoe. In this round Wright begins and Hicks responds.] O Sentido da Vida depende da existência de Vida Após a Morte? Por John C. Wright Tradução de Matheus

Católico vs. Ateu Parte 5: O Sentido da Vida depende da existência de Vida Após a Morte? [Portuguese translation] Read More »