Search Results for: Argentina

Business in Argentina — interview with Fernández and Sarano

Federico Fernández and Martin Sarano of Argentina’s Bases Foundation spoke at Rockford College on the challenging political economy of Argentina and its impact on current business. A century ago Argentina’s economy was in the top ten in the world, but has declined significantly. currently ranks Argentina ranked 115th. In the interview we talk about

Business in Argentina — interview with Fernández and Sarano Read More »

Video of my lecture at the Austrian Economics conference, Argentina

At the third 2010 International Conference, “The Austrian School of Economics in the 21st Century,” held in 2010 in Rosario, Argentina, I gave a keynote lecture entitled “Austrians, Objectivists, and the Unrequited Love of Philosophy for Economics.” The conference was co-sponsored by the Bases Foundation, the Faculty of Economics of the Pontifical Catholic University of

Video of my lecture at the Austrian Economics conference, Argentina Read More »

Argentina, Hong Kong, and the psychology of belief

Over the last 80 years, the world rankings of Hong Kong and Argentina: Resource-poor Hong Kong’s relatively laissez-faire free market has taken it from poverty to riches. Resource-rich Argentina’s experiments in statism have taken it from prosperity to decline and semi-functionality. In this Wall Street Journal/Heritage ranking, Hong Kong is currently first in the world

Argentina, Hong Kong, and the psychology of belief Read More »

Philosophy for Real Life | Stephen Hicks Answers 22 Questions about Integrity, Character, Art, and Politics

Filmed in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The 22 Questions: Should One be Cynical or Benevolent? | How Can I Find My Own Voice? | Who is Your Favorite Artist? | Why did Art become Ugly? | What is Postmodernism? | What is Art? | Is Ambition Good? | Is Capitalism the Most Moral System? | What

Philosophy for Real Life | Stephen Hicks Answers 22 Questions about Integrity, Character, Art, and Politics Read More »

The State of ART EDUCATION: Joey McFadden interviews Stephen Hicks

Joseph McFadden is a New York artist and writer: “Joey and Stephen discuss the purpose of art; the state of fine arts education and the art world; the relationship between art and philosophy; 20th-century art; the triad of Marx, Freud, and Darwin; the relationship between Postmodernism and Marxism, and their impact on art & culture;

The State of ART EDUCATION: Joey McFadden interviews Stephen Hicks Read More »

Entrepreneurial Living: 15 Stories of Innovation, Risk, and Achievement (and One Story of Abject Failure)

Entrepreneurial Living, edited by Stephen R. C. Hicks and Jennifer Harrolle. In this volume of interviews with entrepreneurs from six countries and seven U.S. states, we explore the adventure—and the hard-headedness—of business. What makes for entrepreneurial success—and failure? To what extent is flourishing a matter of ideas, or of key decisions, or of persistent action,

Entrepreneurial Living: 15 Stories of Innovation, Risk, and Achievement (and One Story of Abject Failure) Read More »