Search Results for: Nietzsche

Academic or non-academic philosophy: which matters more?

Philosophy matters, but does academic philosophy have more impact than philosophy done outside the academy? A list of historically influential philosophers: Academic Non-academic Plato Socrates Aristotle Locke Aquinas Descartes Galileo Spinoza Smith Hume Kant Kierkegaard Hegel Marx Russell Mill Heidegger Rand Popper Sartre Split: Nietzsche was an academic early in his career and then quit

Academic or non-academic philosophy: which matters more? Read More »

Eight articles to begin with

For those who would like an introductory overview of my work, here are eight articles selected for range: Friedrich Nietzsche, Postmodernism, Entrepreneurism, Liberal Education, Immanuel Kant, Objectivity, Ayn Rand, Modern Art, Jordan Peterson, Religion, and Ethics. “The Postmodern Critique of Liberal Education.” Reason Papers 41:1 (Winter 2019): 60-89. “Egoism in Nietzsche and Rand.” The Journal

Eight articles to begin with Read More »

Stephen Hicks with John Anderson, former Deputy Prime Minister of Australia [In Case You Missed It]

Conversations | Stephen Hicks | Postmodernism and Nazism | With John Anderson “Prof. Stephen Hicks is a philosopher who is well known for his expertise in demystifying postmodernist ideology. His insights into postmodernism and political correctness have extra significance today as we see university progressive activism spilling out into the streets.” John Anderson was Deputy

Stephen Hicks with John Anderson, former Deputy Prime Minister of Australia [In Case You Missed It] Read More »

Audiobook with timestamping now (Explaining Postmodernism)

For ease of browsing and navigation, this audio edition read by author Stephen R.C. Hicks now has timestamps for each chapter and section: 00:00:00 EXPLAINING POSTMODERNISM 00:00:25 CHAPTER ONE: What Postmodernism Is 00:02:22 The postmodern vanguard: Foucault, Lyotard, Derrida, Rorty 00:09:22 Modern and postmodern 00:12:22 Modernism and the Enlightenment 00:22:50 Postmodernism versus the Enlightenment 00:25:06

Audiobook with timestamping now (Explaining Postmodernism) Read More »

On self-dissolution under the Nazis — a student’s memoir

Excerpt from Charles Taylor on Sebastian Haffner’s memoir Defying Hitler, including his experience as a law student early in the National Socialist regime. If by now the incidents that follow are familiar—the intimidation, the erosion of press freedom, violence in the streets, people fleeing or attempting to flee—it’s their novelty to Haffner that carries the

On self-dissolution under the Nazis — a student’s memoir Read More »

Viktor Frankl: On the original preparation for the gas chambers

Frankl was a Holocaust survivor and Professor of Neurology and Psychiatry at the University of Vienna Medical School: I became acquainted with the last stages of corruption in my second concentration camp in Auschwitz. The gas chambers of Auschwitz were the ultimate consequence of the theory that man is nothing but the product of heredity

Viktor Frankl: On the original preparation for the gas chambers Read More »