Search Results for: translation

Interview: “Latin America Needs to Abandon Its Victimization and Embrace the World”

I was interviewed for PanAm Post by columnist María Marty. The 13-minute interview itself is in English with Spanish subtitles and is prefaced by Ms. Marty’s summary in Spanish. PanAm‘s title is “América Latina debe abandonar su victimismo y abrirse al mundo” (“Latin America Needs to Abandon Its Victimization and Embrace the World.”) The topics:

Interview: “Latin America Needs to Abandon Its Victimization and Embrace the World” Read More »

Spenger’s Introduction to *The Decline of the West* [text]

The Decline of the West By Oswald Spengler Translated from the German by Charles Francis Atkinson New York: A. A. Knopf, 1918 Spengler’s Preface to the First Edition The complete manuscript of this book — the outcome of three years’ work — was ready when the Great War broke out. By the spring of 1917

Spenger’s Introduction to *The Decline of the West* [text] Read More »

Lecture tour in Poland, January 2017

From January 6-16 I’ll be giving a total of eight talks in Poland: Bydgoszcz, Chojnice, Warszawa, and Kraków. Several of the talks are tied to the newly-published Polish edition of my Explaining Postmodernism: Skepticism and Socialism from Rousseau to Foucault. The Polish translation by Piotr Kostyło and Katarzyna Nowak was published as Zrozumieć postmodernizm. Sceptycyzm

Lecture tour in Poland, January 2017 Read More »

No Reformation for Islam, Please [Good Life series]

[Originally published at] Many smart people — including Thomas Friedman in The New York Times, Naser Khader in Newsweek, John Lloyd in The Jerusalem Post, Ayaan Hirsi Ali in The Wall Street Journal — are hoping that the Reformation will come to Islam. Some are calling for an Islamic Martin Luther. Sorry, but no.

No Reformation for Islam, Please [Good Life series] Read More »