Search Results for: translation

Zientkowski’s foreword to *Nietzsche and the Nazis*

Dr. Przemysław Zientkowski’s foreword to the Polish edition of my Nietzsche and the Nazis, translated into English. A PDF version is here, and the HTML version follows. Foreword to the Polish edition of Stephen Hicks’s Nietzsche and the Nazis By Przemysław Zientkowski, Ph.D. History teaches us that in politics—in order to reinforce the message, achieve

Zientkowski’s foreword to *Nietzsche and the Nazis* Read More »

At the Junior Achievement Brazil site: O que a ética empresarial pode aprender com o empreendedorismo?

My essay, “O que a ética empresarial pode aprender com o empreendedorismo?” is now also posted at the Junior Achievement Brazil site. Also posted in Portuguese here, in the original English as “What Business Ethics Can Learn from Entrepreneurship” [pdf], in Serbo-Croatian translation, Spanish translation, and audio edition in MP3 format and YouTube.

At the Junior Achievement Brazil site: O que a ética empresarial pode aprender com o empreendedorismo? Read More »


Explicando o Pós-modernismo: Ceticismo e socialismo — de Rousseau a Foucault  Publicado pela primeira vez em Inglês: Explaining Postmodernism: Skepticism and Socialism from Rousseau to Foucault (Scholargy, 2004).Portugués: Faro Editorial (São Paulo, 2021). Amazon Brazil. E-book. Amazon Kindle. Barnes & Noble Nook. iTunes.Resumo: O Pós-modernismo, por abordar temas que afligem o homem de hoje —

Português Read More »

Video of Timbro launch of Explaining Postmodernism / Postmodernismens Förklaring

At the book-release event in Stockolm hosted by Timbro, my publisher, I talked about the book for about 15 minutes. Moderator Thomas Gür then asked me good questions and helped direct questions from the audience. The program is in English, except for Adam Cwejman’s initial introduction, and lasts for about an hour. (The screenshot is

Video of Timbro launch of Explaining Postmodernism / Postmodernismens Förklaring Read More »

Stockholm trip and Postmodernismens Förklaring

I’ll be in Stockholm on April 3 for the official release of Postmodernismens Förklaring: Skepticism och socialism från Rousseau till Foucault, which is the Swedish translation of my Explaining Postmodernism: Skepticism and Socialism from Rousseau to Foucault. The Swedish edition is published by Timbro and Stiftelsen Fritt Näringsliv. Thanks again to Anders Johansson, who did

Stockholm trip and Postmodernismens Förklaring Read More »

Swedish review of Explaining Postmodernism

“I would never let someone go off to university without this book.” Just before the official release of the Swedish translation of Explaining Postmodernism, an editorial review in Dagens Nyheter, Stockholm’s largest newspaper. A rough Google Translate version follows. Truth is more than just stories Susanna Birgersson, Editor [Published March 30, 2014 ] IN A

Swedish review of Explaining Postmodernism Read More »