Search Results for: Art

Subprime mortgage crisis — history flowchart

Here is a simplified flowchart, developed for my business ethics courses, reflecting my understanding of subprime mortgages’ contribution to the crisis. Let me emphasize that this is only about the subprime contribution of the overall crisis. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac enabled much spillover into non-subprime mortgage sectors, government-set capital requirements and other regulations enabled

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My interview for ReelNews on art and free markets

I was interviewed recently by Prodos Marinakis, Secretary of the Australian Council of Film Societies, on the theme “Two Views on Cinema & Capitalism.” From the interview’s description: “The highly articulate pioneers and founders of the Film Society Movement of Australia, like Ken Coldicutt of Melbourne and Beatrice Tildesley of Sydney, were critical of Capitalism

My interview for ReelNews on art and free markets Read More »

Interview with Alexei Marcoux on moral partiality in business

Alexei Marcoux of Loyola University Chicago spoke at Rockford College on whether ethics requires moral partiality or impartiality in business decision-making. Below is my follow-up sixteen-minute interview with Professor Marcoux. Along the way, we discuss nepotism, conflicts of interest, fiduciary obligations, John Stuart Mill, Immanuel Kant, and contemporary business ethicist Norman Bowie. Part I: Part

Interview with Alexei Marcoux on moral partiality in business Read More »

Talk at Liberty Fund on art and free markets

Earlier this week I gave a talk in Indianapolis at the excellent Liberty Fund on whether free-market capitalism is good or bad for art. The question matters in today’s intellectual context because thinkers on both left and right argue regularly that art suffers under free market systems. Traditional conservatives such as Robert Bork and neo-conservatives

Talk at Liberty Fund on art and free markets Read More »