Search Results for: Nietzsche

A inferioridade moral do Pós-modernismo

[A translation into Portuguese (by Matheus Pacini) of my “Postmodernism’s Moral Low Ground”, first published in The Spectator (Australia).] Estamos lutando contra os pós-modernistas com uma mão amarrada nas costas? Batalhas intelectuais são a força vital de uma sociedade saudável. A vida é complicada e de alto risco, logo, pessoas racionais têm muito a debater. O

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Tu Vida Sexual Bajo el Socialismo [Open College en español]

[A translation into Spanish by Fermin Elizalde of my Open College episode, “Your Sex Life Under Socialism.”] El socialismo se define de manera estándar como la propiedad colectiva de los medios de producción. ¿Qué implica eso para tu vida sexual? A veces, el socialismo se concibe más estrechamente como una doctrina económica acerca de la

Tu Vida Sexual Bajo el Socialismo [Open College en español] Read More »

2018: Top 15 most popular posts

By the numbers, my most popular posts this year. 15. Glenn Beck interview. 14. Your Sex Life under Socialism [Open College series]. 13. The Slave Morality of the Left — Nietzsche’s prescience. 12. Debate video: Morality of Capitalism vs. Socialism (Buenos Aires). 11. Violent Politics—the Lesson of Marxist *Philosophy* [Open College transcript]. 10. *Explaining Postmodernism*

2018: Top 15 most popular posts Read More »

Your Sex Life under Socialism [Open College series]

A new episode of my podcast series, produced by Possibly Correct, Toronto, Ontario. Title: Your Sex Life under Socialism Topics and times: Definition of socialism // Robert Heilbroner and top-down control // From old-style communalism to individualism in sex and love // New-style communalism // Sex and reproduction in the Soviet Union: Alexandra Kollontai //

Your Sex Life under Socialism [Open College series] Read More »

Full Glenn Beck conversation published

My discussion with Glenn Beck ranged over capitalism and socialism, the ethics needed for a free society, Greek virtues, intolerance and indoctrination in education, Ayn Rand’s egoism and her view of charity, whether a meaningful life requires transcending failure, the differences between Antifa and Nazi Brownshirts, whether the National Socialist really were socialist, postmodernism, whether

Full Glenn Beck conversation published Read More »

Interview for Polish documentary on Ideology and World War 2

I’m in Gdańsk, Poland, this week for an interview at the excellent Museum of the Second World War, in connection with a documentary they are producing. The museum’s director, Dr. Karol Nawrocki, and I will discuss the following questions: 1) Why did Nazism stem from Germany and not from any other country? And why did

Interview for Polish documentary on Ideology and World War 2 Read More »

Published: Three Kraters Symposium video

The group (Greg Wilson, Rachel Fulton Brown, Micah Sample, Lewis Sloter, and Barry Jacobs) invited me to discuss themes out of my Explaining Postmodernism. The nearly two-hour conversation is at YouTube and embedded below. Our topics of discussion ranged over: Kant * whether “the Enlightenment,” “Renaissance,” “Postmodernism,” and other broad labels are legitimate * the

Published: Three Kraters Symposium video Read More »