Search Results for: Enlightenment

The Counter-Enlightenment Attack on Reason [EP audiobook]

This is the second chapter of the audiobook version of Explaining Postmodernism: Skepticism and Socialism from Rousseau to Foucault. Chapter Two: The Counter-Enlightenment Attack on Reason [mp3] [YouTube] [72 minutes] Enlightenment reason, liberalism, and science [mp3] [YouTube] The beginnings of the Counter-Enlightenment [mp3] [YouTube] Kant’s skeptical conclusion [mp3] [YouTube] Kant’s problematic from empiricism and rationalism

The Counter-Enlightenment Attack on Reason [EP audiobook] Read More »

Coffee and the Enlightenment

I’m reading Steven Johnson’s The Invention of Air, which is primarily about the Joseph Priestley, the great chemist and adviser to the American founding fathers. Along the way, Johnson quotes historian Tom Standage: “The impact of the introduction of coffee into Europe during the seventeenth century was particularly noticeable since the most common beverages of

Coffee and the Enlightenment Read More »

British culture as 80% based on Greco-Roman — another datum

A spot more cultural history following up on my “80%” comment about British culture–in response to a line from Nigel Farage saying “everything in our country and culture is based on Judeo-Christian values.” Consider the education of future British leaders from the 1600s through the 1800s, the formative years for modern British culture. In modern

British culture as 80% based on Greco-Roman — another datum Read More »

What Moves History: Intro. to the Philosophy of History, by Stephen RC Hicks [In Case You Missed It]

What Moves History? An Introduction to the Philosophy of History By Stephen R. C. Hicks Topic Outline: Introduction: Why Rome’s Collapse, Renaissance, Modern Revolutions? History and Philosophy of History Philosophy of history’s three types of questions: 1. Metaphysical Questions about History Divine Causation? Materialist Causation? Volitional Causation? Individual or Collective Causation? Does History Have a

What Moves History: Intro. to the Philosophy of History, by Stephen RC Hicks [In Case You Missed It] Read More »