Search Results for: Nietzsche

A Brief History of Philosophy — social-media version

1. Socrates deletes his account. 2. Plato posts screenshots of Socrates. 3. Aristotle unfollows Plato. 4. Aquinas retweets Jesus. 5. Descartes mutes Aquinas. 6. Locke mutes Descartes. 7. Kant unfollows Locke and Descartes. 8. Hegel subtweets Kant. 9. Schopenhauer blocks Hegel. 10. Marx likes Hegel. 11. Nietzsche gets hacked. 12. Heidegger DMs Arendt. 13. Adorno

A Brief History of Philosophy — social-media version Read More »

Polish translation of “Is Republishing Hitler’s Mein Kampf the Correct Decision?”

[The following is a translation into Polish of my “Is Republishing Hitler’s *Mein Kampf* the Correct Decision?” Thanks to Professor Piotr Kostyło for making this translation possible.] Czy ponowna publikacja książki Adolfa Hitlera Mein Kampf jest słuszną decyzją? Po długich dekadach obowiązywania zakazu, niemieckie władze wyrażają zgodę na ponowną publikację książki Adolfa Hitlera Mein Kampf.

Polish translation of “Is Republishing Hitler’s Mein Kampf the Correct Decision?” Read More »

Will the Alt-Right make the Left embrace the Enlightenment?

[Reposting from its first publication at EveryJoe.] Is a seismic change rumbling through Left-wing circles? In the hard-Left Jacobin magazine, two young philosophers bemoan their discovery that postmodern strategies have now been captured by the hateful and hated Alt-Right — and so in reaction they propose that socialists embrace the philosophy of the Enlightenment.[1] President Donald

Will the Alt-Right make the Left embrace the Enlightenment? Read More »

How Socialist Were the Nazis?

From 2006, an eight-minute documentary clip with my answer. Topics covered: (1) National Socialist philosophy, (2) the Nazi Party’s original 25-point platform — collectivism, economic socialism, nationalism, authoritarianism — (3) negotiations to merge with the German Socialist Party, (4) Hitler and Goebbels speeches on socialism, and (5) the symbolism of the swastika. The book based

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Burckhardt on Shiva, the god of destruction

Among German intellectuals of the generation before and after 1900, there was widespread interest in Eastern religions. Jacob Burckhardt expresses one point of attraction: “Not without cause do the Indians worship Shiva, the God of destruction. Filled with the joy of destruction, wars clear the air like thunderstorms, they steel the nerves and restore the

Burckhardt on Shiva, the god of destruction Read More »

“The Philosophers and the Birth of National Socialism” — Gdańsk lecture

I gave a talk in Gdańsk, Poland, on “The Philosophers and the Birth of National Socialism.” Along the way we discuss Oswald Spengler, Carl Schmitt, Martin Heidegger, Friedrich Nietzsche, and others. The video of the lecture and question period is here (or at YouTube): Thanks to Dr. Marek Szymaniak of the Museum of the Second

“The Philosophers and the Birth of National Socialism” — Gdańsk lecture Read More »