National Socialist Philosophy [N&N audiobook]

Part 3 of the audiobook version of my Nietzsche and the Nazis: A Personal View. Part 3. National Socialist Philosophy [mp3] [YouTube] [19 minutes] 6. The Nazi Party Program [mp3] [YouTube] 7. Collectivism, not individualism [mp3] [YouTube] 8. Economic socialism, not capitalism [mp3] [YouTube] 9. Nationalism, not internationalism or cosmopolitanism [mp3] [YouTube] 10. Authoritarianism, not

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Audiobook version of Nietzsche and the Nazis

Nietzsche and the Nazis: A Personal View was first produced as a documentary in 2006. The book version was published in 2010. A Polish translation is forthcoming in 2014. We are releasing an audiobook version serially. To begin, here are Parts 1 and 2. Part 1. Introduction: Philosophy and History [mp3] [YouTube] [5 minutes] 1.

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Montessori versus traditional schools: Rathunde and Csikszentmihalyi’s study

I just came across Kevin Rathunde and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi’s academic study, published American Journal of Education. From the abstract: “Multivariate analysis showed that the Montessori students reported greater affect, potency (i.e., feeling energetic), intrinsic motivation, flow experience, and undivided interest (i.e., the combination of high intrinsic motivation and high salience or importance) while engaged in

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Explaining Nazism Philosophically [N&N audiobook]

Part 2 of the audiobook version of my Nietzsche and the Nazis: A Personal View. Part 2. Explaining Nazism Philosophically [mp3] [YouTube] [17 minutes] 3. How could Nazism happen? [mp3] [YouTube] 4. Five weak explanations for National Socialism [mp3] [YouTube] 5. Explaining Nazism Philosophically [mp3] [YouTube] Forthcoming: Part 3. National Socialist Philosophy Part 4. The

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Introduction: Philosophy and History [N&N audiobook]

Part 1 of the audiobook version of my Nietzsche and the Nazis: A Personal View. Part 1. Introduction: Philosophy and History [mp3] [YouTube] [5 minutes] 1. Fascinated by history [mp3] [YouTube] 2.What is philosophy of history? [mp3] [YouTube] Forthcoming: Part 2. Explaining Nazism Philosophically Part 3. National Socialist Philosophy Part 4. The Nazis in Power

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