Search Results for: Nietzsche

Texts in Philosophy — late 2017 additions

For use in my courses, additions to my Texts in Philosophy page. Frédéric Bastiat, “A Petition from the Candlemakers about Unfair Competition from the Sun” (1845). Marilyn Frye, “Oppression”, from The Politics of Reality. (1983). Mother Teresa, excerpt “On Prayer”, from No Greater Love (1987). Dualism and Naturalism quotations from Martin Luther, St. Paul, 1 […]

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Postmodernism is *part* of the Western canon: interviewed by Jordan Alexander Hill

From Jordan Hill’s introduction to our one-hour podcast: “I’d like to introduce our next guest, one of my favorite living philosophers and the author of the great book *Explaining Postmodernism*. In Episode One of this podcast, we talked about postmodernism as an antagonist to the project of liberalism and Western civilization. My next guest, Stephen

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Does modern capitalism beget bureaucracy?

Grégoire Canlorbe is a French intellectual entrepreneur. He currently resides in Paris. He interviewed me for The Foundation for Economic Education. Excerpt below: Grégoire Canlorbe: A second criticism, initially formulated by Michel Foucault in his 1979 lectures at the College de France, is that modern capitalist society and “disciplinary techniques” are completely bound with each other.

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Charlottesville, Third- and Fourth-wave Postmodernism

Clashing protesters in Charlottesville, Virginia — far right, far left, and others. Street violence and declarations of emergency by the governing officials. How did we get to this? First, how postmodernism evolved through three phases from high theory to coercive activism: Second, other anti-liberal and anti-rational movements learn and adopt the same strategies to their

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Capitalism versus the Philosophers: An Interview with Stephen Hicks

This interview was published at FEE in abridged form as Capitalism versus the Philosophers: An Interview with Stephen Hicks. Abstract: A market-friendly philosopher takes on postmodernists, Ayn Rand, Michel Foucault, and Fifty Shades of Grey. Here is the unabridged version, which is also posted at interviewer Grégoire Canlorbe’s site. Interview with philosopher Stephen Hicks Hicks is

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Ethics — Course Topics

Syllabus. Exam Schedule. To start: Stephen Hicks,  “What Entrepreneurs Can Teach Us All About Life.” Published in The Wall Street Journal (2016). Topic One  Is life meaningful or meaningless? The Meaning of Life—Selected Quotations from Psalms, Shakespeare, Brooke, Marvell, Thoreau, and others. Albert Camus, “The Myth of Sisyphus” (1942). Optional: Stephen Hicks, “Would Immortality Be Worth

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Business and Economic Ethics — Course Topics and Materials

Philosophy 325 Professor Stephen Hicks Introduction Stephen Hicks, “What Entrepreneurship Can Teach Us About Life” (or at The Wall Street Journal). Audio version. Topic 1: Entrepreneurism Hans Rosling, “200 Countries, 200 Years, 4 Minutes — The Joy of Stats” [Video] Movie: Mr. Selfridge (Season 1, Episode 1). Questions: Why do some people say “I’ve never

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Our generation’s question: Liberalism or Fascism or Socialism?

When Nazi Germany and fascist Italy were defeated, the great historical question was: Will liberalism or socialism prevail in the world? The ensuing mix of cold and hot wars and ideological battles reached their climax in our generation — with the fallout from the Soviet Union’s collapse, the enduring sadness of Cuba, the ongoing mess

Our generation’s question: Liberalism or Fascism or Socialism? Read More »