Environmentalist Mark Lynas’s lecture to Oxford Farming Conference, 2013

Well worth reading: “I want to start with some apologies. For the record, here and upfront, I apologise for having spent several years ripping up GM crops. I am also sorry that I helped to start the anti-GM movement back in the mid 1990s, and that I thereby assisted in demonising an important technological option […]

Environmentalist Mark Lynas’s lecture to Oxford Farming Conference, 2013 Read More »

Springer’s Handbook of Business Ethics now online

Springer’s massive 1,581-page Handbook of the Philosophical Foundations of Business Ethics is now online. The multi-volume work covers business ethics from almost every conceivable perspective–Aristotelian, Marxist, Jewish, Christian, Islamic, Kantian, utilitarian, feminist, free market, and more. I contributed the essay entitled “Entrepreneurship and Ethics,” which appears on pages 1239-1246. Cite: Handbook of the Philosophical Foundations

Springer’s Handbook of Business Ethics now online Read More »

Comparing Buenos Aires and Chicago over the 20th century

A fascinating working paper by economists Filipe Campante and Edward Glaeser about two initially very similar cities with divergent paths over the last century. Here is their abstract: Buenos Aires and Chicago grew during the nineteenth century for remarkably similar reasons. Both cities were conduits for moving meat and grain from fertile hinterlands to eastern

Comparing Buenos Aires and Chicago over the 20th century Read More »

Economists’ policy views and voting behavior

Two economists report on survey results of professional economists’ policy views and voting from the mid-2000s, before the financial crisis hit. Their abstract: In Spring 2003, a survey of 1000 economists was conducted using a randomly generated membership list from the American Economics Association. The survey contained questions about 18 policy issues, voting behavior, and

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Full interview with entrepreneurs William and Winston Ling published

Entrepreneurship in Brazil My full interview with entrepreneurs William and Winston Ling is now available online at CEE’s site. From the interview: “In the second half of 2010, everything was doing great: we were beating records year after year and expanding the business. Profitability was fine and the outlook was fine. But we sat down

Full interview with entrepreneurs William and Winston Ling published Read More »