Video lecture: “Public Policy, Objectivism, and Entrepreneurship”

My talk at the 2012 Atlas Summit in Washington, DC, is now online. My themes: * Our schizophrenic public policy culture: health, sex, religion, money * What wealth is: tangible, intangible, and institutional assets * Entrepreneurism as a cultural asset * Objectivism’s entrepreneurial ethic * Principled strategy in a mixed economy * Three challenges: abstractness,

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Philosophy’s longest sentences — Bentham edition

Philosophers are noted for their stylish prose as well as their profound insights. Or, to put that point in another, perhaps more felicitous, formulation, they are justly celebrated for their abilities in the words-putting-togetherness department. Earlier I presented some 100-plus word monster sentences from philosophers — Mill, Kant, Aristotle, Locke. But now, via Stuart Hayashi,

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