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Žižek on pleasure and three types of leftists

I usually think of Slavoj Žižek as a performance-artist-of-philosophy-sometimes-shading-into-clownishness, but he can be perceptive, especially when diagnosing the internal dynamics of his fellow leftists. Here is his taxonomy of left thinkers in terms of where they stand on the issue of enjoyment: “Leftist libertarians see enjoyment as an emancipatory power: every oppressive power has to […]

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Texts in Philosophy — mid-2024 additions

For use in my courses, additions to my Texts in Philosophy page. Ruth Benedict, Patterns of Culture (1934). Auguste Comte, Catechism of Positive Religion, Conversations I-V (1852). G.W.F. Hegel, Philosophy of Right (1820). Excerpt from Philosophy of History (1822). Immanuel Kant, Groundwork for the Metaphysic of Morals (1785). Søren Kierkegaard, excerpts from Either-Or (1843). John

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Nietzsche’s poem “From High Mountains”

Friedrich Nietzsche“From High Mountains: Aftersong” O noon of life! O time to celebrate!O summer garden!Restlessly happy and expectant, standing,Watching all day and night, for friends I wait: Where are you, friends? Come! It is time! It’s late! The glacier’s gray adorned itself for youToday with roses,The brook seeks you, and full of longing risesThe wind,

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Garrett Hardin bemoaning India’s 600 million population in 1974

Hardin is one of the most widely-read twentieth-century intellectuals, most known for his two pieces “The Tragedy of the Commons” and “Lifeboat Ethics: The Case Against Helping the Poor.” The two are intimately related, as one diagnoses a fundamental problem with resources and the other draws policy conclusions. A key quotation, in which Hardin states

Garrett Hardin bemoaning India’s 600 million population in 1974 Read More »

How the Enlightenment solved all of our problems

Reprising this chart on the Enlightenment of the long 1700s and it self-conscious grasp it its own significance. Related: My “Enlightenment Vision” flowchart and other posts and lectures on the Enlightenment. The chart is from Chapter One of Explaining Postmodernism: Skepticism and Socialism from Rousseau to Foucault.

How the Enlightenment solved all of our problems Read More »