My TAS talk on “Public Policy, Objectivism, and Entrepreneurship”

I’ll be speaking at The Atlas Society’s annual conference in Washington, D.C. This year’s conference theme is “Either-Or: Atlas Shrugged and the Future of Individualism.” The abstract for my talk: Objectivism’s ethical philosophy is highly entrepreneurial, emphasizing initiative, self-responsibility, and self-creation. Consequently, Objectivism’s political philosophy is entrepreneurship-friendly, emphasizing the protection of individual rights necessary for

My TAS talk on “Public Policy, Objectivism, and Entrepreneurship” Read More »

Geniuses and their followers, Montessori version

Every original thinker attracts those who are eager to learn and build upon the new discoveries — and “true believers” who want to follow mechanically and turn the new system into a museum piece. Maria Montessori’s outstanding educational philosophy is designed for independence, creativity, and freedom. Many Montessorians are applying and developing her system in

Geniuses and their followers, Montessori version Read More »

The Entrepreneurial Process — my 10-minute lecture

What makes entrepreneurs tick? Creative knowledge, ambition, initiative, trial and error, perseverance, and more. This mini lecture is part of a new series of short, instructional lectures on entrepreneurship. Related: My nine-page journal essay, “What Business Ethics Can Learn from Entrepreneurship” [pdf] (Journal of Private Enterprise, 24(2), Spring 2009, 49-57. Also available at the Social

The Entrepreneurial Process — my 10-minute lecture Read More »