Soviets and Nazis — which were worse?

The Nazis were evil, killing millions of human beings, and they have universally and properly properly condemned for their horrors. The Soviets were also evil, killing more millions than the Nazis did, yet they have not been universally condemned. The Soviets have been attacked by libertarians, conservatives, and moderates as a great lesson in evil

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Kaizen 20 — the Jay Lapeyre interview

Entrepreneurial Resilience in New Orleans Hurricanes, oil spills, and Louisiana politics — the latest issue of Kaizen features my interview with entrepreneur Jay Lapeyre, CEO of The Laitram Corporation. I met with Lapeyre in New Orleans to discuss natural disasters and corrupt politics, leadership, and the state of American manufacturing in our global economy. Also

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How to pitch to venture capitalists

VC David Rose’s 14-minute TED pitch on pitching to venture capitalists: Summary: Key traits about yourself to communicate: Integrity, Passion, Experience, Knowledge, Skill, Leadership, Commitment, Vision, Realism, Coachability. Content structure: Grabbing their emotional attention, solid data and logical progression, strong ending with believable upside. Plus presentation tips. See also my Kaizen interview with venture capitalist

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Another anti-freedom conservative: David Brooks

[Following up on my “Do conservatives really value economic liberty?”, on the conservatisms of Newt Gingrich, Robert Bork, and Irving Kristol.] In The New York Times, moderate conservative David Brooks reflects upon Charles Murray’s Coming Apart: The State of White America, 1960-2010. Brooks agrees with Murray that Americans have divided into two polarized “tribes.” “The

Another anti-freedom conservative: David Brooks Read More »