Search Results for: Art

Children’s fears and environmental education

Results from a recent survey of children: Respondents across all countries were worried about climate change (59% were very or extremely worried and 84% were at least moderately worried). More than 50% reported each of the following emotions: sad, anxious, angry, powerless, helpless, and guilty. Much of modern environmentalism strikes me as very Old […]

Children’s fears and environmental education Read More »

Sidney Hook on public education

An evocative quotation from philosopher Sidney Hook (1902-1989), from his autobiographical Out of Step. In an earlier post I quoted Hook’s account of his family’s living conditions. Here Hook recalls his authoritarian-style education in American schools circa one century ago: “Although the public schools were religiously attended (children feared the wrath of their parents much

Sidney Hook on public education Read More »

Chapter: “Mind-shift for 21st-Century Education: Entrepreneurism,” by Stephen Hicks

Today at Jagielloninan University in Krakow, Poland, is a book-launch event for this new volume: Defending the Value of Education as a Public GoodPhilosophical Dialogues on Education and the State, edited by Katarzyna Wrońska (Jagiellonian University, Poland), Julian Stern (Bishop Grosseteste University, England). I contributed an essay. My title and abstract: “Mind-shift for 21st-Century Education:

Chapter: “Mind-shift for 21st-Century Education: Entrepreneurism,” by Stephen Hicks Read More »

Studio audience invitation for new Peterson Academy course: *Modern Ethics*

I will be at the Academy’s impressive studio in Miami to record a new eight-lecture course on the philosophy of ethics. Here is the invitation to join the live studio audience. We will cover thinkers who made ethics modern (and highly diverse) — and those who resisted the modernizing trends — including John Locke, Jean-Jacques

Studio audience invitation for new Peterson Academy course: *Modern Ethics* Read More »

Kuhn on the Greeks and scientific culture

A striking quotation from Thomas Kuhn’s The Structure of Scientific Revolutions: “Every civilization of which we have records has possessed a technology, an art, a religion, a political system, laws, and so on. In many cases those facets of civilization have been as developed as our own. But only the civilizations that descend from Hellenic

Kuhn on the Greeks and scientific culture Read More »

Dugin and Foucault are both disciples of the same philosopher

Alexander Dugin is right-wing and religious—and a disciple of Heidegger‘s.Michael Foucault is left-wing and atheist—and a disciple of Heidegger‘s. Here is Dugin on the philosopher who accomplished “the most all-encompassing, paradoxical, profound, and penetrating study of Being. I am talking about Martin Heidegger.” (Source: The Fourth Political Theory, 2009)) And here is Foucault: “Heidegger has

Dugin and Foucault are both disciples of the same philosopher Read More »

Creative geniuses as selfish — Maria Callas version

The great Callas, according to biographer Richard Levine: Maria’s impressive willpower and focus enabled her to develop into the artist we think of when we think of Callas, but at the time her fellow students were hardly charmed by her chilly single-mindedness. One of them later said that ‘her earnestness was oppressive.’ Maria knew, however,

Creative geniuses as selfish — Maria Callas version Read More »

Kant’s 300th birthday, April 22, and some are celebrating while some are not

The man has an ambivalent legacy—those who claim him for the Enlightenment and for the Counter-Enlightenment. I’m in the latter group. On the Counter-Enlightenment turn: Kant’s epistemology (Ch. 2), his connections to modernist and postmodernist art, his views on education for duty and obedience, his mix of liberal and illiberal politics. By contrast: here is

Kant’s 300th birthday, April 22, and some are celebrating while some are not Read More »