Search Results for: Art

Kant versus racial interbreeding

According to Ernst Cassirer, Immanuel Kant was “the man who introduced anthropology as a branch of study in German universities.”[1] And anthropologist W. E. Mühlmann calls Kant “the founder of the modern concept of race.”[2] All humans are members of the same species, Kant argues, since members of the different races are capable of interbreeding.

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Nietzsche, according to Nazi ideologist Ernst Krieck

National Socialist ideologue Ernst Krieck had little patience for the claim that Friedrich Nietzsche’s philosophy was a forerunner of National Socialist politics. Frequently Nietzsche came up positively in Nazi speeches and writings. But Krieck scoffed: “All in all, Nietzsche was an opponent of socialism, an opponent of nationalism, and an opponent of racial thinking. Apart

Nietzsche, according to Nazi ideologist Ernst Krieck Read More »

Were the Modernist painters especially misogynist?

Some initial evidence for your consideration: paintings from Picasso, Duchamp, Dali, and de Kooning. At a TRAC conference in Ventura, California, I heard an intriguing talk by Kay Kane, professor of drawing at Queensland College of Art, Griffith University, Australia. Kane’s talk was based partly on (and partly diverged from) Wendy Steiner’s Venus in Exile

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*The Nietzsche Podcast* interview of Stephen Hicks

Interviewer: Keegan Kjeldsen. Topics 1. Beyond Good and Evil’s perspectival epistemology, 2. What the postmoderns took from Nietzsche, and 3. The individualist/anti-individualist contrasts between Ayn Rand and Friedrich Nietzsche. Show notes with timestamps just below: Note developed by @gingerbreadzak 00:00  Stephen Hicks recounts his academic journey and interest in Nietzsche, starting from undergraduate education to

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Is everyone selfish? Hannah Arendt quotation

How some political ideologies depend on the self-induced selflessness of their members. Here is Arendt in The Origins of Totalitarianism speaking of both Nazism and Communism: “How little the masses were driven by the famous instinct for self-preservation … . The fanaticism of members of totalitarian movements, so clearly different in quality from the greatest

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*Only a God Can Save Us* now with Timestamps

Times for the main sections of Jeffrey Van Davis’s documentary on Martin Heidegger’s life and thought: 01:41 Memorial and recollections 07:00 Messkirch 10:55 Early life 14:04 World War I 23:12 Being and Time 36:10 The Rectorship 45:37 Kristallnacht 51:55 Edith Stein 56:18 Hiding from the French 1:01:26 Denazification 1:11:23 Hannah Arendt 1:13:38 Paul Celan 1:19:00

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Texts in Philosophy — early 2024 additions

For use in my courses, additions to my Texts in Philosophy page. Derrick Bell, “Racial Realism,” Connecticut Law Review 24:2 (1992). Auguste Comte, Catechism of Positive Religion, Conversations I-V, (1852) John Locke, Book 4 of An Essay Concerning Human Understanding (1690). Karl Popper, “Science: Conjectures and Refutations” (1962). Arthur Schopenhauer, On the Basis of Morality

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