Search Results for: Nietzsche

Católico vs. Ateu, Parte 1: Vale a pena discutir religião? [Portuguese translation]

[This is a Portuguese translation of Part 1 of the Theist vs. Atheist debate series between Stephen R.C. Hicks and John C. Wright, originally published in English at EveryJoe.] Vale a pena discutir religião? Por Stephen Hicks Tradução e Revisão de Matheus Pacini Minha resposta é: certamente, vale a pena discutir sobre religião. Todos nós […]

Católico vs. Ateu, Parte 1: Vale a pena discutir religião? [Portuguese translation] Read More »

Comparando el desempeño económico de América del Norte y América Latina [Spanish translation]

Por Stephen Hicks [This is a Spanish translation of “Comparing North and Latin American Economic Performance”, originally published in English at EveryJoe and in Portuguese at Libertarianismo.] Todos queremos que la gente logre vivir en forma adecuada, especialmente las personas pobres que están luchando por ello. Y si somos ambiciosos, queremos además que la gente pueda vivir

Comparando el desempeño económico de América del Norte y América Latina [Spanish translation] Read More »

Campus sex and the anti-sexiness of the new authoritarians [Good Life series]

Rape is among the most horrific of crimes. Sex should be a fun and beautiful thing — but rape takes that most personal of experiences and turns it into a degradation. There is moderately good news about the number of rapes in the USA. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the rape rate has

Campus sex and the anti-sexiness of the new authoritarians [Good Life series] Read More »

Conservatives against Free-market Capitalism [Good Life series]

After beating up on some “left” icons (here, here, and here, for example), it’s time to give some grief to the “right.” American political vocabulary tends to sort people into liberals on the left and conservatives on the right. All are big-tent labels, and we argue continuously about how to place libertarians, progressives, socialists, theocrats,

Conservatives against Free-market Capitalism [Good Life series] Read More »

The Love Canal Environmental Disaster — Four Decades Later [Good Life series]

First, some good news about the 1970s Love Canal environmental disaster in New York: long-term studies have shown no increase in rates of cancer or birth defects among the area’s residents. That’s welcome news, even though toxic chemicals were released into the environment, homeowners were frightened, dislocated, and suffered large losses of property value. Now

The Love Canal Environmental Disaster — Four Decades Later [Good Life series] Read More »

Where are all those free-market economists who caused the financial crisis? [Good Life series]

A common meme about the financial crisis blames it on capitalism run amok and holds the rise of free-market fundamentalism among economists responsible for unleashing the greed. Academic economists, the argument runs, are largely free-marketers, and they convinced politicians to deregulate important swathes of the American economy, and the unbridled capitalists then engaged in a

Where are all those free-market economists who caused the financial crisis? [Good Life series] Read More »