Search Results for: Mussolini

German philosophy in pre-World-War-II Japan

In Western nations, there is a clear connection between philosophy and totalitarian politics in the 20th century. Hegel’s philosophy, for example, took a “left” turn in Marx’s thinking — which Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin drew upon — and it took a “right” turn in Treitschke’s and Nietzsche’s thinking — which Goebbels, Hitler, and the National […]

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Texts in Philosophy — late 2015 additions

For use in my courses, additions to my Texts in Philosophy page. All files are PDFs. Antony Flew, R. M. Hare, and Basil Mitchell, “Three Accounts of What Faith Is,” from “Theology & Falsification: A Symposium” (1971). St. Augustine, on “Righteous Persecution” (c. 397-418 CE). HTML. David Hume, “Moral Distinctions Not Derived from Reason”, A

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Piotr Kostyło’s review of *Nietzsche and the Nazis*

Professor Piotr Kostyło of Casimir the Great University in Bydgoszcz, Poland, published a review of Nietzsche and the Nazis. The text of the review follows: Do We Know What We Advocate? Stephen Hicks’s Defence of Individualism The forty-five years of communism in Poland (1944-1989) were marked by the government reminding society of the atrocities committed during

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Onde estão os economistas de livre mercado que causaram a crise financeira?

Um meme comum sobre a crise financeira culpa o capitalismo descontrolado e responsabiliza a ascensão do fundamentalismo de livre mercado entre os economistas como responsável pelo aumento da ganância. De acordo com o esse argumento, os economistas acadêmicos são, em grande parte, liberais. Eles convenceram os políticos a desregulamentarem setores importantes da economia norte-americana, de

Onde estão os economistas de livre mercado que causaram a crise financeira? Read More »

O renascimento do nazismo na Europa – não é somente racismo

Um antigo fantasma está novamente assombrando a Europa — movimentos e partidos políticos neofascistas e neonazistas estão voltando à tona. Essa reportagem no The Guardian destaca um aumento nos ataques aos judeus na França, Alemanha e Holanda. Mais ao leste e ao sul, partidos simpatizantes ao nazismo estão crescendo nas urnas em países como Hungria

O renascimento do nazismo na Europa – não é somente racismo Read More »

Texts in Philosophy

Alphabetical by Author or Topic Thomas Aquinas, “Whether it is lawful to kill sinners?” and “Whether heretics ought to be tolerated?” From Summa Theologica (1265-1274). “Arachne and Athena.” Hannah Arendt, “The Crisis in Education” (1954). Aristotle, Books 1-4 of Nicomachean Ethics (c. 335 BCE). Poetics (after 335 BCE). Excerpts from Book 7 of Politics (350 BCE). Augustine,

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Militarization [Section 18 of Nietzsche and the Nazis]

[This is Section 18 of Nietzsche and the Nazis.] 18. Militarization The most important part of the new Germany was the military. On a historically unprecedented scale, the German economy became a war economy. Conscription had been reintroduced in 1935, and in 1936 Hermann Göring took over as Germany’s economic minister. Under Göring’s direction, Germany

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Bibliography [Nietzsche and the Nazis]

[This is the Bibliography for Nietzsche and the Nazis.] Nietzsche and the Nazis—Bibliography Ahern, Daniel R. 1995. Nietzsche as Cultural Physician. Pennsylvania State University Press. Allison, David B. 2001. Reading the New Nietzsche. Rowman and Littlefield. Anchor, Robert. 1972. Germany Confronts Modernization, German Culture and Society, 1790-1890. D. C. Heath. Barkai, Avraham. 1990. Nazi Economics:

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