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Derrick Bell | “Racial Realism” | Stephen Hicks’s *Philosophers, Explained* series:

“Black people will never gain full equality in this country.” Critical Race Theory is based in part upon a pessimistic, anti-progress view of race relations. Derrick Bell, one of CRT’s founders, thus urged a rejection of Martin Luther King’s “’We Have a Dream’ mentality”, to be replaced with a strategy “to harass white folks.” Here […]

Derrick Bell | “Racial Realism” | Stephen Hicks’s *Philosophers, Explained* series: Read More »

Why did Professor Beck say Kant is Counter-Enlightenment?

Philosopher Lewis White Beck was selected to write the entry on “German Philosophy” for The Encyclopedia of Philosophy. He wrote: “Immanuel Kant was to put almost every fundamental concept of the Enlightenment in jeopardy.” That is a striking claim, as it goes against a standard interpretation of Kant as a paragon of the Enlightenment. Immanuel

Why did Professor Beck say Kant is Counter-Enlightenment? Read More »

My Philosophy of Education course online

Why education is a philosophical enterprise — taking a child and instilling the knowledge, character, and skills necessary for adult life. How major philosophies — Plato’s, Locke’s, Marx’s, Dewey’s, Rand’s, Foucault’s, and others’ — lead to dramatically different goals and strategies for education In real life the course is a 15-week lecture course, so the

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Bertrand Russell: Is Philosophy Valuable? | Philosophers, Explained by Stephen Hicks

The 20th century’s most famous philosopher addresses this question: Why do philosophy, if none of its questions are answerable? Related: Others in the Philosophers, Explained series: Catharine MacKinnon on censoring pornography as violence.Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels on overthrowing capitalism. John Stuart Mill on free speech. Benito Mussolini and Giovanni Gentile on the philosophy of

Bertrand Russell: Is Philosophy Valuable? | Philosophers, Explained by Stephen Hicks Read More »

Marx’s three failed predictions [EP]

[This excerpt is from Chapter 5 of Explaining Postmodernism: Skepticism and Socialism from Rousseau to Foucault] Marxism and waiting for Godot First formulated in the mid-nineteenth century, classical Marxist socialism made two related pairs of claims, one pair economic and one pair moral. Economically, it argued that capitalism was driven by a logic of competitive

Marx’s three failed predictions [EP] Read More »

Peter Watson on *The German Genius*, 1754-1933

I’m re-reading Peter Watson’s The German Genius: Europe’s Third Renaissance, the Second Scientific Revolution, and the Twentieth Century (Harper Perennial, 2011). It’s a powerful history of the intellectually most powerful nation in Europe in the last three centuries. Watson introduces his theme and its scope this way: Between the publication of Johann Joachim Winckelmann’s groundbreaking

Peter Watson on *The German Genius*, 1754-1933 Read More »

Burckhardt quotation on the birth of individualism in the Italian Renaissance

A favorite from Jacob Burckhardt’s great The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy (1860): In the Middle Ages, “Man was conscious of himself only as a member of a race, people, party, family, or corporation — only through some general category. In Italy this veil first melted into air; an objective treatment and consideration of

Burckhardt quotation on the birth of individualism in the Italian Renaissance Read More »


I think of him as the anti-Homer poet. While Homer’s subjects are gods and heroes, Archilochus writes of drunkenness, running away to live and perhaps fight another day, the common man with his feet planted firmly on the ground — and, occasionally of sweet love. Not much is known about him other than that he

Archilochus Read More »

RIKS interview of Stephen Hicks, Stockholm, Sweden

The interview is In English, with Swedish overlay: modernity anti-modernity, rationality and illogic, freedom for all and cynical power games. I was interviewed by the smart and well-prepared Dr. Richard Sörman for the RIKS channel on the occasion of a Swedish printing of Explaining Postmodernism: Skepticism and Socialism from Rousseau to Foucault (English text here,

RIKS interview of Stephen Hicks, Stockholm, Sweden Read More »