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The first three episodes in *Philosophers, Explained* series: Kant, James, Galileo

1 Immanuel Kant on the limits of reason. Critique of Pure Reason. 2 William James on pacifism and defeating militarism. “The Moral Equivalent of War.” 3 Galileo Galilei on not persecuting scientists. “Letter to the Grand Duchess Christina.” Coming soon: The 30 in the first series include:

The first three episodes in *Philosophers, Explained* series: Kant, James, Galileo Read More »

The purpose of the university — C. Vann Woodward quotation

At the beginning of the academic year, reprising this aspiration from C. Vann Woodward, Yale historian and author of The Strange Career of Jim Crow (1955), which Martin Luther King, Jr. said was “the historical bible of the Civil Rights Movement.” The purpose of the university is not to make its members feel secure, content,

The purpose of the university — C. Vann Woodward quotation Read More »

Famous anti-smoking activists from history

Reprising this fascinating short article in the British Journal of Medicine by Robert N. Proctor, professor of the history of medicine at Penn State University: “The anti-smoking campaigns of the Nazis: a little known aspect of public health in Germany, 1933-1945” [pdf]. The campaign was mounted despite the arguments that (1) taxes on tobacco were

Famous anti-smoking activists from history Read More »

Resumen y Transición: argumentos en contra [Liberalism: Pro & Con en Español]

Quince argumentos para el Capitalismo Liberal: Este es el resumen de todos los argumentos a favor del capitalismo liberal. Pueden encontrar todos los argumentos y el resumen de la primera parte en el siguiente link: Liberalism: Pro & Con en español. Resumen y Transición: El liberalismo debe ser rechazado porque socava, no logra o contradice

Resumen y Transición: argumentos en contra [Liberalism: Pro & Con en Español] Read More »

When philosophers boycotted Nietzsche at Basel

This New York Times extended article (behind paywall) on Rand’s influence includes some snark from philosophers over whether she really was a philosopher. Oh, come on. It reminds me of Friedrich Nietzsche’s reception by the philosophers at the University of Basel (I haven’t come across their names in the history books) when Nietzsche assumed his

When philosophers boycotted Nietzsche at Basel Read More »

La libertad no existe. [Liberalism: Pro & Con en Español]

Quince argumentos para el Capitalismo Liberal: Este post va a formar parte de una serie de argumentos del libro “Liberalism: Pro & Con” de Stephen Hicks en español. Pueden encontrar todos los argumentos que serán publicados en orden en el siguiente link: Liberalism: Pro & Con en español. EN CONTRA Argumento 15: La libertad no

La libertad no existe. [Liberalism: Pro & Con en Español] Read More »