Search Results for: Nietzsche

I received an email from the Übermensch today

Subject: Emanation of Zarathustra… Dear Professor Hicks, I’ve noted in your “Overman” piece: “Nietzsche gives a name to his anticipated overman: He calls him Zarathustra, and he names his greatest literary and philosophical work in his honor. “Zarathustra will be the creative tyrant. Having mastered himself and others, he will exuberantly and energetically command and

I received an email from the Übermensch today Read More »

Geniuses and their followers, Montessori version

Every original thinker attracts those who are eager to learn and build upon the new discoveries — and “true believers” who want to follow mechanically and turn the new system into a museum piece. Maria Montessori’s outstanding educational philosophy is designed for independence, creativity, and freedom. Many Montessorians are applying and developing her system in

Geniuses and their followers, Montessori version Read More »

Explaining Postmodernism 2nd and 9th at Amazon Kindle

At Amazon’s Kindle books section, my Explaining Postmodernism holds two of the top ten places for books on postmodernism. The first edition is second, and the expanded edition is ninth [update: now seventh]. They are neck-and-neck with The Routledge Companion to Postmodernism and The Cambridge Companion to Postmodernism, two traditionally strong-selling series. Also: Both editions

Explaining Postmodernism 2nd and 9th at Amazon Kindle Read More »


Philosophicalish Humor: What I Have Learned about the History of Philosophy from My Students. “Should I Marry You?” Answers From the Philosophers. Existentialism meets high-tech. From the Office of the Reproducer-General. Professor Walsh gives an “A” to a Jain monk. Computing’s environmental impact. The best footnote ever. Sinistromanualism. Zach Weiner’s cartoon metaphysics. On affairs with

Humor Read More »