Search Results for: Free speech

Current Events with Stephen Hicks and Richard Salsman.

Our commentary on current events. This week’s topics: Inflation at 7% Why and what next? Free speech survey in universities, gender gap results: young women much more likely to want to ban words; a significant minority of young men also agree with bans. Progress: Pig heart transplanted into human. SCOTUS strikes down vaccine mandates. The […]

Current Events with Stephen Hicks and Richard Salsman. Read More »

Chisholm letter on MIT’s cancelling Abbot lecture

Silicon Valley entrepreneur and MIT and Harvard graduate John Chisholm wrote this public letter. Re-posted here with permission. In the last few days, I have heard from more alumni (and non-alumni) than I can recall at any time since my term as alumni president/chair. Their reaction to the cancellation of Professor Abbot’s Carlson Lecture ranges

Chisholm letter on MIT’s cancelling Abbot lecture Read More »

Jordan B. Peterson discussion [Open College transcript]

We’re posting serially the transcripts of my Open College podcasts. Here’s the 18th. My second discussion with Professor Peterson ranges over postmodernism, language, power, and what makes for a genuine education. Open College podcast published a 40-minute audio excerpt of the discussion; the full video discussion is available at Dr. Peterson’s site. Here is a

Jordan B. Peterson discussion [Open College transcript] Read More »

Dr. William Kline: Entrepreneurship and Liberty [transcript]

[This short lecture in the Entrepreneurship and Values series was recorded at Rockford University and sponsored by the Center for Ethics and Entrepreneurship. Other series lecturers include Professors Alexei Marcoux, Stephen Hicks, Terry Noel, John Chisholm, Robert Salvino.] Entrepreneurship and Liberty Professor William Kline (University of Illinois, Springfield) What we want to discuss is the relationship between liberty

Dr. William Kline: Entrepreneurship and Liberty [transcript] Read More »

Ten topics in applied Objectivism — interviewed by Mark Michael Lewis [Transcript]

Interviewer Mark Michael Lewis and I had an extended conversation about philosophy and its applications to education, business ethics, postmodernism, and entrepreneurship. A video of this interview is available at YouTube. Here is the transcript: Mark Lewis: Welcome to a new edition of Becoming an Ayn Rand Hero, where we use the ideas of Ayn Rand

Ten topics in applied Objectivism — interviewed by Mark Michael Lewis [Transcript] Read More »

Cancel Culture defined

Cancel Culture defined

Contrasting liberal to cancel culture. Image and text versions below, should you want to modify for yourself. Cancel Culture defined   Liberal Culture Cancel Culture       Range of opinion? Expect diversity of Expect uniformity of   Attitude toward those who disagree? Tolerance of the eccentric Hostility to the deviant Atmosphere encouraged? Benevolence Fear

Cancel Culture defined Read More »

Spanish Libertarian interview on pomo, Jordan Peterson, and red-pilling SJWs [transcript]

Ignasi Boltó, a.k.a. the Spanish Libertarian, asked me eleven questions for his YouTube channel. Here is the transcript: Ignasi Bolto: Hello, friends from the internet. It’s Ignasi from Spanish Libertarian. Today we’re making another interview in English. I know most of you usually speak in Spanish, but we also like to give content in other language. Also,

Spanish Libertarian interview on pomo, Jordan Peterson, and red-pilling SJWs [transcript] Read More »

Eton teacher Knowland fired for Patriarchy discussion

Eton teacher Will Knowland was fired for this online discussion of sex and gender: (I’m quoted on free speech at the 2:15-minute mark. Thanks to Marian Tupy for the link.) While Knowland’s discussion takes up whether Patriarchy is natural/artificial and good/bad — the implicit lesson of his firing seems to be Thou shalt not challenge

Eton teacher Knowland fired for Patriarchy discussion Read More »

Israel’s Roi Yozevitch interview on science and postmodernism

My Explaining Postmodernism was recently published in Hebrew translation, which led to this interview with Israeli scientist Roi Yozevitch. We focus on the inroads that political correctness and postmodernism are making are making into science. Dr. Roi Yozevitch, “Free Speech and PC in Academia, Science and Society. A conversation with Professor Stephen Hicks.”

Israel’s Roi Yozevitch interview on science and postmodernism Read More »