El liberalismo es amoralmente egoísta [Liberalism: Pro & Con en Español]

Quince argumentos para el Capitalismo Liberal: Este post va a formar parte de una serie de argumentos del libro “Liberalism: Pro & Con” de Stephen Hicks en español. Pueden encontrar todos los argumentos que serán publicados en orden en el siguiente link: Liberalism: Pro & Con en español. EN CONTRA Argumento 3: El liberalismo es

El liberalismo es amoralmente egoísta [Liberalism: Pro & Con en Español] Read More »

Next three in *Philosophers, Explained*: Kant, Dewey, Thales (and Homer)

The next three in the new Philosophers, Explained by Stephen Hicks series will be: 26 Immanuel Kant on educating for duty and obedience. On Education. 27 John Dewey against “individualism” and for “democratic” education. Democracy and Education. 28 Thales and the beginnings of Western philosophy. And in contrast to Homer’s The Iliad. 1 Immanuel Kant

Next three in *Philosophers, Explained*: Kant, Dewey, Thales (and Homer) Read More »

Michael Newberry | Thoughts on Key Works of Art in History

In this series of 29 short videos, artist Michael Newberry discusses key works in the history of art. Michael Newberry is a California-based artist who has exhibited across Europe and North America. He is the author of books on color theory, philosophy of art, modernism and postmodernism in art, and art history. We invited him

Michael Newberry | Thoughts on Key Works of Art in History Read More »

TODAY: “Sanction of the Victim” with Stephen Hicks and David Kelley

Today the Atlas Society is having Senior Scholar Stephen Hicks, Ph.D., and Atlas Society founder David Kelley, Ph.D.  @ 3:30 PM PT / 6:30 PM ET for a special 90-minute exploration and discussion on Ayn Rand’s theme “the sanction of the victim” and how evil often feeds off people trying to be good. Register here: Sanction

TODAY: “Sanction of the Victim” with Stephen Hicks and David Kelley Read More »